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Title: | 以TPE探討影響Instagram社群商務使用者滿意度與黏著度之因素 A Study of Exploring Social Commerce User Satisfaction and Stickiness based on TPE: Taking Instagram as an Example |
Authors: | 張妗璘 Chang, Chin-Lin |
Contributors: | 洪為璽 季延平 Hung, Wei-Hsi Chi, Yan-Ping 張妗璘 Chang, Chin-Lin |
Keywords: | 社群商務 TPE 任務科技適配理論 使用者滿意度 黏著度 Social Commerce TPE Task-Technology Fit User Satisfaction Stickiness |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2022-02-10 13:24:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來社群商務發展快速,無論是社群媒體融入商務元素或是電子商務融入社群元素各平台皆希望能夠同時滿足使用者對於社交與購物體驗的需求。疫情緣故,使用者更為依賴線上與他人進行互動和購買商品。若社群商務平台讓使用者在使用上感到滿意並願意長時間瀏覽與重複使用即能產生黏著度。過往研究顯示,使用者的滿意度和黏著度得以用來預測使用者參與度、持續使用意願甚至是未來在該平台上的購物意願。本研究以科技—個人—環境模型(TPE)為基礎,加入科技準備度、任務科技適配度、知覺互動性、社群參與和社群認同所涵蓋之構面,以問卷形式針對Instagram的使用者進行調查,欲了解哪些因素將影響使用者對Instagram是否產生滿意度及黏著度。研究結果顯示,科技準備度中的樂觀性、任務科技適配度、知覺互動性中的知覺控制、社群參與和社群認同對使用者滿意度有正向影響。使用者滿意度對黏著度有正向影響。科技準備度中的不適應性和不安全性對使用者滿意度有負向影響。科技準備度中的創新性、知覺互動性中的知覺反應和知覺個人化則為不顯著。因此,Instagram應著重於讓使用者在使用上獲得正向感受,降低使用者對無論新舊功能感到恐懼並懷疑其效用的狀況產生。在個人任務、能力與科技使用上需讓其感知一致,同時,提升系統的可控制性及增加使用者的社群參與與社群認同程度方可提升滿意度,最終使用者將對Instagram產生黏著度,相對於使用其他社群商務平台更願意延長及重複使用。 In recent years, social commerce has developed rapidly. Whether it is social media integrating business elements or e-commerce integrating community elements, all platforms hope to meet the needs of users for social and shopping experience at the same time. Because of Covid-19, users are more reliant on online communities to interact with others and purchase goods online. If social commerce can satisfy users and make them willing to spend more time browsing and reusing, it can generate user stickiness. Past research has shown that user satisfaction and stickiness can be used to predict user engagement, continual usage intention and even influence future purchase intentions on the platform. This study is based on the Technological-Personal-Environmental (TPE) model, adding variables covered by technology readiness, task-technology fit, perceived interactivity, community engagement, and social identity. This study surveyed Instagram users to find out what factors influence users` satisfaction and stickiness. The results show that optimism in technology readiness, task-technology fit, perceived control in perceived interactivity, community engagement and social identity have positive effects on user satisfaction. User satisfaction has a positive effect on user stickiness. Discomfort and insecurity in technology readiness have a negative impact on user satisfaction. Innovativeness in technology readiness, perceived responsiveness and perceived personalization in perceived interactivity were insignificant. In terms of personal tasks, abilities, and technology use, users need to be consistent in their perception in order to adopt the technology. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the controllability of the system and increase the user`s community engagement and social identity to improve satisfaction. In the end, users will become attached to Instagram, and are more willing to extend their usage duration on the platform, leading to the users’ preference in reusing Instagram over other social commerce platforms. |
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