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    Title: 金融業社群媒體行銷策略之探討—以永豐銀行LINE官方帳號為例
    Social Media Marketing in Financial Industry: A Case Study of the LINE Official Account for Bank Sinopac
    Authors: 韋霖謙
    Wei, Lin-Chien
    Contributors: 陳冠儒
    Chen, Kuan-Ju
    Wei, Lin-Chien
    Keywords: LINE官方帳號
    LINE official account
    Uses and gratifications Theory
    Perception of advertising Content
    Content quality
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-02-10 13:22:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣民眾網路使用密度之高,行動上網使用率更達98.9%,且全台人口共有95.6%透過網路使用通訊服務,並有83%為社群媒體使用者。在所有類別App中,LINE的下載次數及活躍用戶數皆高居第一名;其龐大的用戶數利基為LINE帶來可觀的潛在商機,而LINE也開始提供社群商務服務,LINE官方帳號即是其一解決方案。在台灣LINE官方帳號數已逾200萬、年成長率近20%下,企業端要如何在該紅海中經營和管理與消費者間的客戶關係,已成為一門學問之道。

    因此,本研究以使用與滿足理論作為主要理論框架,探討LINE用戶主動加入並使用LINE官方帳號之動機與目的、影響消費者接收行動廣告內容時認知之因素;以期歸納出讓消費者持續使用LINE官方帳號,並降低封鎖率的主要原因。此外,有鑑於在台灣有近六成的官方帳號使用者都有使用金融業官方帳號的習慣,為所有類別之首,故本研究後續進一步以「永豐銀行LINE官方帳號」為個案研究對象,探討金融業者如何善用LINE 官方帳號提供之各項行銷功能來優化行動廣告內容,與社群客戶互動,並分析其社群媒體經營策略。

    本研究的主要貢獻在於,藉由探討及分析消費者使用社群媒體之行銷偏好、永豐銀行操作LINE 官方帳號之經營策略,提供各行各業LINE官方帳號經營者未來在規劃企業社群商業服務、擬定社群行銷策略時之參考建議;以期強化社群行銷效益,並提升顧客與企業之間的關係品質及品牌態度。
    Internet is in frequent use by most of Taiwanese people among which the usage rate via mobile devices is as high as 98.9%. Apart from this, 95.6% of the population in Taiwan use online communication services and 83% are social media users. In all app categories, LINE ranks the first in terms of number of downloads and active users. The great number of users brings considerable business opportunities in that LINE has begun to provide business services to leverage online communities. The LINE official account is one of the typical solutions for businesses all shapes and sizes. Yet, with more than 2 million official line accounts in Taiwan and an annual growth rate of nearly 20%, the ways in which businesses stand out from the competition and manage LINE official accounts effectively have become the most critical marketing issue.

    Hence, this research adopts the Uses and Gratifications theory as the theoretical framework to explore consumers’ motivation of joining and using the LINE official account, as well as the factors influencing consumers’ perception of mobile advertising content. Moreover, this research aims to discover the key factors determine LINE users to continue to use LINE official accounts and decrease the blocking rate. In addition, in view of the fact that nearly 60% of LINE official account users in Taiwan are provided by the financial industry, which ranks the first among all app categories, the research further selects “the Bank Sinopac LINE official account” as the target for a case study analysis. The purpose is to observe how the financial industry make good use of various marketing tools provided by the LINE official account to optimize mobile advertising content and interact with customers via an online community. The contributions of this research are to provide suggestions for enterprises in various industries when they plan community business services online and design social media marketing strategies with an attempt to improve relationship quality between customers and enterprises.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363027
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200121
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