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Title: | Dram產業轉型個案與組織關鍵活動研究 OCAs Case Study:A Transformation of a DRAM IDM into a Logic/DRAM Foundry |
Authors: | 張維恩 Chang, Wei-En |
Contributors: | 陳立民 Chen, Li-Ming 張維恩 Chang, Wei-En |
Keywords: | Dram半導體產業歷史 Dram產品應用 半導體產業 企業轉型案例 個案訪談 組織關鍵活動 Dram industry history Dram product category Semiconductor Business transformation cases Case interviews OCAs |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2022-02-10 13:22:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Dram半導體產業在經歷金融海嘯後,多數二線Dram半導體公司面臨倒閉或者被併購的命運。經過30多年來的世代更替的結果,三大集團如韓國三星、SK海力士、美光科技主導Dram近95%的市場,其餘則由台灣廠商瓜分。
A公司挺過產業淘汰賽後,從記憶體製造轉型成邏輯和記憶體代工公司。本研究探討高資本密集的Dram半導體產業,用深入淺出的方式探討產品的應用及變化,並用組織關鍵活動理論分析A公司轉型期間的決策。研究結果發現,該產業大者恆大,資金需求會越來越大,若二線Dram公司未尋求轉型,終將面臨淘汰。而A公司之所以未被淘汰且能成功轉型的因素與條件,是該公司擁有彈性的組織文化及傑出的領導能力、轉型部分Dram到邏輯的技術能力、Dram市場持續成長。本研究結果可以提供未來相關半導體產業進行策略與永續發展分析之建議。 After the financial crisis, the majority of DRAM companies underwent some sort of corporate restructuring, with many entering bankruptcy and others participating in mergers and acquisitions. This final round capped off nearly 30 years of consolidation, resulting in three major groups - Samsung, SK Hynix, and Micron Technology – dominating the market, leaving a small number of Taiwanese 2nd tier companies occupying the fringe. Firm A managed to survive the crisis by transforming from an Integrated Device Manufacturer (IDM) of memory into a foundry that manufacturers logic and memory for others. This study reviews the industry’s changing applications for memory products and explores Firm A’s transformation through a lens of Organizational Critical Activities (OCAs) theory.
We find that if second-tier companies such as Firm A do not seek transformation, they may face elimination. Thus, we provide suggestions for such companies to manage through crisis and transformation; specifically, to combine competencies, employ resilient cultural leadership and extend technological prowess into adjacent markets. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 107363066 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363066 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200071 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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