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    題名: 中國大陸大氣污染治理的政策誘導性、影響因素及治理邏輯研究
    A Study on Policy Induction, Influencing Factors and Governance Logic of Atmospheric Pollution Governance in Mainland China
    作者: 劉江
    Liu, Jiang
    貢獻者: 蘇偉業
    Liu, Jiang
    關鍵詞: 中國大陸
    Mainland China
    Atmospheric pollution governance
    Target means chain
    Weak performance of conventional environmental protection policies
    Emergency mobilized regulation
    Public environmental awareness
    日期: 2022
    上傳時間: 2022-02-10 13:07:53 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 中國大陸大氣污染治理常遭遇治理偏差的指控,諸多基於碎片化威權主義、行政分包制與政治錦標賽理論的研究將其歸因為地方政府的執行不力,從中央環保政策影響視角的分析極為不足,對大氣污染治理偏差的影響因素缺乏系統性的釐清,導致對中國大陸大氣污染治理的治理邏輯缺乏整體性審視。
    Atmospheric pollution governance in Mainland China often encounters allegations of governance deviations. Based on fragmented authoritarianism, administrative subcontracting and political championship theories, many studies attribute this to the poor implementation of local governments, and the analysis from the perspective of the impact of the central environmental protection policy is extremely insufficient, the influence factors of atmospheric pollution control deviation is a lack of systematic sort out. As a result, the logic of atmospheric pollution governance lacks a holistic review in Mainland China.
    This research uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods to examine the issues of atmospheric pollution governance in Mainland China, and uses grounded theory to code and analyze the central environmental protection policy texts from 1981 to 2020, and reveal the central government’s policies on local atmospheric pollution governance behaviors, develop a policy-induced model of atmospheric pollution governance deviation. The provincial panel data from 2001 to 2017 were collected, and the fixed effect model was used to systematically test the influencing factors of atmospheric pollution emissions from the central, local and social perspectives.
    The qualitative research based on grounded theory found that the target means chain of economic construction-pollution governance squeezed the attention of pollution governance policies, and the central environmental protection policy forms a formalism governance orientation based on environmental protection index performance. Environmental protection policy is not only a means to promote industrial upgrading and improve economic benefits, to smooth out the difference between pollution governance results or pollution status and political declarations of leaders, and to complete emergency environmental protection tasks, but also the strength of environmental protection policy is wanton adjustment in the gap between economic performance and environmental protection emergency tasks. Environmental protection policies continue or even intensify the internal contradictions in atmospheric pollution governance, which in turn stimulates decision makers to rely on the path of emergency mobilization regulations, while maintaining a high degree of vigilance on social participation for a long time, which may cause the loss of social assistance in atmospheric pollution governance.
    Statistical analysis based on panel data found that the space characteristics of atmospheric pollution emissions present high agglomeration emissions in the eastern region, especially in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the surrounding areas, and rapid growth in emissions in the central and western regions. After partial strengthening of emergency mobilized governance, but did not see a significant reduction in atmospheric pollution. At the same time, the lack of coordination mechanism of environmental protection policies between the central and local governments is extremely prominent.
    The overall analysis based on the fixed effects panel data model shows that fiscal decentralization, economic intervention, energy consumption and other factors have a strong impact on pollution emission, while conventional environmental protection policies such as local atmospheric pollution governance investment, environmental punishment and environmental supervision have only a weak or even ineffective impact on atmospheric pollution governance. Public environmental awareness is an important source of power to promote the process of atmospheric pollution governance.
    The analysis of regional heterogeneity based on the fixed-effects panel data model shows that the central strengthened environmental task pressure forces the eastern region to impose policy intervention on atmospheric pollution emission. The compliance of the northeast, central and western regions with the central environmental protection policy is higher than that of the eastern region, but the low environmental task pressure induces them to reduce the intensity of environmental protection policy and promote atmospheric pollution emission. Public awareness significantly inhibits the atmospheric pollution emission in the eastern region, which indicates that the growing public awareness of environmental protection has a strong social help to promote its atmospheric pollution governance process. while the northeast, central and western regions can obtain very limited social help.
    The study argues that the governance logic of atmospheric pollution governance in Mainland China is seriously deviating from the original purpose of environmental protection and the normal operation track of the system. It is suggested that policymakers promote the normalization of atmospheric pollution governance and return to institutional constraints in Mainland China.
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    描述: 博士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106256505
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200085
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