摘要: | 從 1949 年中央政府遷臺,到 1981 年《幼稚教育法》的誕生,此轉捩點實可 作為臺灣幼兒教育專業法制化的起點,也是臺灣幼兒教育主體性的彰顯。本研究 以 1980 年代為研究背景,選擇微觀的歷史視角,重構由鄭淑敏、樂茞軍及吳靜 吉等十位名人創辦於該年代之「成長兒童學園」的機構發展史(1983~1988)。 藉由學園教師之口述歷史內涵闡述成長兒童學園實踐在地開放教育的歷程,探究 其在都市化環境中,如何掌握核心的教育理念以發展幼兒課程、家園關係及教師 的專業行動,尤其關注在當年成長兒童學園內教師專業成長的歷程。藉由機構的 個案研究及厚實描繪,讓我們得以體認在幼教機構與幼師兩者有良好正向互動的 先決條件下,將可促使教師在機構中蘊育其專業成長之能量,並拓展出其自我實 踐的可能。成長兒童學園為臺灣實施開放性幼兒教育先鋒之一,本研究透過詮釋成長兒 童學園教育行動的社會實踐意義,窺見開放式教育於臺灣開展的軌跡。處在都市 化下的成長兒童學園,在有限的物理空間,衍伸出符應於此的教學設計與家園關 係。它讓我們看見「空間條件」與「課程設計」有一種互動的協調性。同時,在 推動「協同父母共同教育孩子」的理念下,家長與幼兒成為辦學理念的核心關懷, 且在試圖消融(翻轉)家長與教師彼此對立的觀點中,建構出家庭與園所間共融 共長的(經營)型態。綜而論之,幼兒教育機構若能積極建構並運用「機構特性」,提供適切的成 長學習環境,並發揮影響力於教師與家長雙方間,使三方彼此間皆形成良好的溝 通互動,方能使教師和家長相互成長之餘,達成教育活動的有效性,成功的幫助 教育機構的活化與成長。 The establishment of the preschool education law in 1981 is the start of legalization for Taiwan early childhood education and it also manifests its subject. This research rebuilds the developing history (1983-1988) of Growth Child Garden’s and investigates into how to keep the core education value to develop early childhood curriculums, relationship between kindergarten and family, teachers’ professional action and especially focus on teachers’ development of profession through the process of practicing local open education from the narrative interview for the teachers, Through the case study and thick description, we can understand that positive interactions between preschool institutions and teachers help they develop their profession and the opportunities of self-practice in institutions.Growth Child Garden was a pioneer for open preschool education in Taiwan. In this study, the developing process of open education in Taiwan will be showed by explaining the social practice meaning in educating action. Because of urbanization, there is limited space in Growth Child Garden but it develops the appropriate curriculum design and relationship between kindergarten and family. It shows an interactive coordination between the space conditions and curriculum design. At the same time, under the concept of promoting educating children with their parents, parents and children become a core concern in education philosophy. Also, in a viewpoint of trying to dissolving opposition between parents and teachers, it constructs a coexistence and mutual prosperity operating type.In conclusion, if early childhood education institutions can actively construct and apply “institutional characteristics”, provide appropriate learning environment, and influence on both teachers and parents, the three parties will form the good communication and interaction. This causes more than mutual growth between teachers and parents, also effectiveness of education programs to help the activation and growth of educational institutions |