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    Title: 土耳其健康照護服務可行性: 以地理資訊為基礎之分析
    Authors: 雷曉光
    Yildirim, Nuran
    Contributors: 廖興中
    Hsin-Chung Liao
    Yildirim, Nuran
    Keywords: 土耳其
    Spatial accessibility
    Distribution of health care
    Geographical information system
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-01-03 16:18:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在過去的幾十年裡,醫療資源的可及性已經成為研究人員和政策制定者越來越重要的話題--因為它對人口的健康和健康行為有著重大影響。土耳其人口超過8300萬,面積為783,562平方公里,是一個獨特的地理環境,可用於研究醫療服務的空間可及性。因此,本論文研究了土耳其全國范圍內醫療服務的空間可及性。它的目的是估計土耳其不同地區,特別是該國農村和城市地區的衛生保健服務的空間可及性有多大的差異。使用兩步浮動集水區(2SFCA)方法對土耳其各省的醫療服務空間可及性進行了測量,考察了人口對醫院、診所和醫生的可及性。這篇論文的結論是,需要更多地關注醫療服務的空間可及性,以確保醫療服務的有效和高效分配,特別是對弱勢人群。
    Over the last decades, accessibility to health care resources has become increasingly important topic for researchers and policymakers – as it has significant impact on health and health behaviors of populations. With a population of more than 83 million inhabitants on an area of 783,562 km², Turkey is a unique geography for conducting research on spatial accessibility to health care. This thesis therefore examines spatial accessibility to health care services in the whole country of Turkey. It aims to estimate to what extent spatial accessibility to health care services varies in different part of Turkey, particularly within rural and urban areas of the country. Spatial accessibility to health care is measured using the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method in Turkey`s provinces examining accessibility of the population to hospitals, clinics, and physicians. This thesis concludes that more attention needs to be given to spatial accessibility to health care services in order to assure effective and efficient distribution of health care services, especially for disadvantaged populations.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108266014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101757
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