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    Title: 都市「街區開放空間」「以自然為本(Nature-based Solutions , NBS)」規劃設計之氣候變遷綜效、權衡、共效益-社區道路
    Synergies, Trade-offs, and Co-benefits Between Nature-based Solutions Planning and Climate Change in Urban “Street Open Space”: Community Roads
    Authors: 林家靖
    Lin, Chia-Ching
    Contributors: 蔡育新
    Tsai, Yu-Hsin
    Lin, Chia-Ching
    Keywords: 都市計畫
    「以自然為本(Nature-based Solutions , NBS)」
    Urban planning
    ";Street Open Space"
    Climate change
    Mitigation and adaptation
    ";Nature-based Solutions"
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-01-03 16:14:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年全球氣候變遷之影響愈加顯著,將「以自然為本的解決方案(Nature-based Solutions , NBS) 」納入都市規劃決策中,日漸成為學者、政策擬定者的著重方法。本國現階段進入危險老舊建物重建的必要時點,提供建成環境「街區開放空間(Street open space)」重塑的可能,善用「以自然為本」的規劃設計可產生多項因應氣候變遷減緩、調適、與其他永續效益,以作為都市空間因應氣候變遷威脅之重要工具。
    In recent years, the impact of global climate change has become more and more significant. Integrating Nature-based Solutions (NBS) into urban planning decisions has become an increasingly important approach for scholars and policy makers. The demand for buildings reconstruction in Taiwan has provided an opportunnity for rebuilding “street open space” with Nature-based Solutions to address climate change challenges in the built environment.
    This study focused on street open space, aims to investigate Nature-based Solutions-related spatial planning and design tools, and benefits during buildings reconstruction phase, and to analyze their synergies, trade-offs and co-benefits.The research cases adopted for this empirical study are the community streets in Taipei. The research methods include descriptive statistics, Spearman`s correlation, paired sample t-test, cluster analysis and qualitative analysis.
    The research results show that the size of street open space, nature-based solutions environment, climate change mitigation and adaption benefits, and non-climate change related co-benefits were all improved after the street open space was rebuilt at community streets. However, the planning and design of the street open space is still based on the concept of gray infrastructure based. This leads to the street open space cannot fully comply the potential benefits, or even derived negative benefits. It shows that the existing laws and regulations cannot effectively guide the sustainable oriented reconstruction of buildings. The policy recommendations of this study are as follows: (1) Increase the street open space size of community roads via the policy of building setback efficiently. (2) Implement the design concept of green infrastructure based, and make the gray space permeable pavement at the street open space. (3) Establish a Nature-based built environment to achieve sustainable-oriented reconstruction.
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