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Title: | 區塊鏈與物聯網整合架構下資料匯集與使用者自主管理存取機制的設計樣式 Design Patterns for Accountable Data Collection and User-Managed Access Mechanism in Blockchain-driven IoT Services |
Authors: | 林俊安 Lin, Chun-An |
Contributors: | 廖峻鋒 Liao, Chun-Feng 林俊安 Lin, Chun-An |
Keywords: | 區塊鏈 物聯網 邊界運算 設計樣式 使用者自主管理存取 Blockchain Internet-of-Things Edge computing Design pattern User- Managed Access |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2022-01-03 16:09:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,越來越多開發人員開始將區塊鏈與異質技術結合。其中,因為區塊鏈具有高度去中心化與擴展性,故區塊鏈與物聯網整合服務,又稱 B-IoT (Blockchain-driven IoT services),受到很大的矚目,也有許多實作原型被提出。由於區塊鏈技術仍在發展階段,因此,建置高品質的B-IoT系統困難度較高。在匯集物聯網裝置中的資料時,裝置間互動機制的設計會對資料的安全性、系統的效能與成本造成極大的影響。此外,由於近年來資安攻擊事件頻繁,許多物聯網開發人員選擇依賴於中心化的存取控制服務來確保系統的安全。然而,若越依賴中心化的存取控制機制,系統的可用性與可維護性則越低。基於上述原因,本論文聚焦於在B-IoT中部署區塊鏈節點的邊界伺服器與物聯網裝置的架構,討論三種可行的資料匯集設計樣式。另一方面,也針對物聯網的存取控制議題進行研究,並提出基於區塊鏈的使用者自主管理存取機制與其設計樣式。最後,本論文以「智慧海運」系統為案例,實作實證系統並進行可行性分析,以引導開發人員縮短開發時間,並建置出具高品質與安全性的系統。 There is an increasing number of software developers that take advantage of blockchain technology in their projects. Meanwhile, IoT (Internet of Things) is recognized as one of the most promising application domains for blockchain technology due to the highly distributed and extensible nature of blockchain. When collecting data in the blockchain-driven IoT services (B-IoT), the security, throughput, and cost of the data are highly affected by the underlying design strategies of the communication and interaction mechanisms. Besides, traditionally IoT systems rely on centralized access control services. However, the more reliance on the centralized access control mechanism, the lower availability, and scalability of the system can be. On these grounds, the objective of this thesis is two folds. First, the design issues of data collection among the edge server and IoT devices in the B-IoT system are investigated. Then, this research also suggests a decentralized access control approach for B-IoT based on UMA (User-Managed Access). Finally, the findings are presented following the design pattern format to make them reusable by other developers. To explain how these patterns work, this thesis also introduces an “Intelligent Refrigerated Shipping Containers” scenario. Moreover, the prototype is implemented based on the proposed patterns to demonstrate the feasibility. Also, several experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the system. The results show that the proposed patterns are feasible and are able to realize a decentralized access control within a reasonable cost of response time. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學系 107753020 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107753020 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101738 |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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