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Title: | 日本集換式卡片遊戲產業研究: 以《遊戲王公式卡片遊戲》為例 The Analysis of Trading Card Game Industry in Japan: A Case of “Yu-Gi-Oh!Trading card game” |
Authors: | 廖嘉希 Hei, Liu Ka |
Contributors: | 李世暉 Li,Shih-hui 廖嘉希 Liu Ka Hei |
Keywords: | 集換式卡片遊戲 文化 大敘事 決斷主義 生產消費者 Trading card game Culture Grand narrative Decisiveness Prosumer |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-12-01 14:47:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 集換式卡片遊戲是在1993年由美國數學家Richard Garfield研發的卡片遊戲,玩法有別於一般卡片遊戲,其獨特性在全世界帶起了熱潮。然而,集換式卡片遊戲構成新文化的原因並不只是因為其特色,與當地掀起熱潮的時間及當時的社會性有莫大的關係。要從社會性的角度切入分析新文化現象的話,「民族主義」、「文化」及「文化工業」這三個概念之間的關係是極為重要的根基。
本研究將會以集換式卡片遊戲文化旺盛的日本為對象,並分為兩部分。前半會利用以上三個概念為基礎,梳理該遊戲在日本開始流行的時期與當時的社會變化,從而分析出兩者的因果關係,以及支撐集換式卡片遊戲產業的要素。後半會以日本原創的集換式卡片遊戲-《遊戲王公式卡片遊戲》(下稱《遊戲王OCG》)探討此產業近年在持續變化的日本社會中遇到的三大問題,實體卡片需求的減少、新玩家減少以及偽造卡片的流通,並從問題中分析使產業存續的未來方向。 Trading card game is a card game developed by American mathematician Richard Garfield in 1993. The gameplay is different from ordinary card games, and its uniqueness has caused a craze around the world. However, the reason why the trading card game constitutes the new culture is not only because of its characteristics, but also has a lot to do with the time of the local boom and the social nature of the time. To analyze new cultural phenomena from a social perspective, the relationship between the three concepts of "nationalism", "culture" and "cultural industry" is an extremely important foundation.
National members in the pre-modern society are not limited by descent. Anyone has the opportunity to become an upper class. The social image of high self-sovereignty makes national members instinctively hold the dignity of the "nation". This common collective consciousness encourages members to compete and be active. Leaving a track in the society to strive for the upper reaches, creating culture in this process.
In Japan`s post-war society, the " grand narrative " began to collapse. People who were under economic and spiritual pressure were unable to achieve self-identification due to a sense of crisis, and people became "psychological" to avoid psychological trauma. Because trustworthy values disappeared, people have their own unique values. Because the "competition" in society has been defeated, people use fictitious media to satisfy their competitive ambitions. The trading card game that demonstrates the dignity of the "nation" is one of the industries that has developed because the social image that embodies the characteristics of "owning its own unique weapons" and "belligerent" is reflected in the culture.
This research will focus on Japan, which has a prosperous trading card game culture, and will be divided into two parts. The first half will use the above three concepts as the basis to sort out the period when the game became popular in Japan and the social changes at that time, so as to analyze the causal relationship between the two and the factors that support the trading card game industry. In the second half, we will use the original Japanese trading card game-"Yu-gi-oh Official Card Game" to discuss the three major problems that the industry has encountered in the ever-changing Japanese society in recent years. The demand for physical cards Decrease, fewer new players, and the circulation of counterfeit cards, and analyze the future direction of the industry’s survival from the problems. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 日本研究學位學程 107861011 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107861011 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101730 |
Appears in Collections: | [Master`s Program in Japan Studies] Theses
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