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    Title: 臺灣學習者的母語對韓語韻尾鼻音認知之影響–以臺灣華語鼻音尾合流為中心–
    A Study on the Effects of the Native Language on Perception of the Syllable Coda Nasals of the Korean: With Focus on the Syllable-final Nasal Mergers in Taiwan Mandarin
    Authors: 吳珮禎
    Wu, Pei-Chen
    Contributors: 朴炳善
    Wu, Pei-Chen
    Keywords: 合流音變現象
    Sound change
    Syllable-final nasals
    Mandarin nasals merge
    Second language acquisition model
    Taiwanese learners of Korean
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-11-01 12:12:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要探討臺灣華語音節末鼻音合流的語言變異之現象對於臺灣第二外語(韓語)學習者的韓語音節末鼻音/n/, /ŋ/的認知影響。在強調系統性地分析學習者母語與目標語,以解決外語習得中產生之母語干擾問題的對比分析理論中,過去針對華語圈韓語學習者的韓語音節末鼻音/n/, /ŋ/混用問題的研究大多關注於標準中國語與韓語音韻系統比較,而先行研究中也將韓語音節末鼻音/n/, /ŋ/混用問題歸因於華語的音節排列組合之限制等音韻結構差異而造成的相關原因。然而這並未能解釋華語圈學習者在學習韓語的過程中,對於華語與韓語中同時存在的音節/in/, /iŋ/仍出現音節末鼻音/n/, /ŋ/混用現象之原因。因此基於此等原因,本文將探討母語對其第二外語(韓語)之語言負向遷移相關的其他可能性。希望能適度地彌補先行研究中所未探討之處。
    The study aims at analyzing the acquisition patterns of Korean syllable-final nasals of Korean learners of Taiwanese who is getting through sound change in their L1 in terms of realizing syllable-final nasals. For the study, 21 syllable-final nasals in nonce word final position produced by a Korean native speaker are utilized for stimuli for the perception test. Twenty-Two Taiwan Mandarin learners of Korean participated in a 3-AFC identification experiment. (5 beginner learners, 6 intermediate learners, 11 advanced learners). The results of the study are as follows: First, compared with alveolar nasal /n/ and velar nasal /ŋ/ which both exist in Mandarin, Taiwanese learners display a distinct higher accuracy in perceiving bilabial nasals /m/ in word-final position which cannot be realized in Mandarin in word-final position. Second, the acquisition patterns of Korean syllable-final nasals are vowel-dependent. Furthermore, Taiwanese beginner learners performed low accuracy in perceiving non-native syllable, but accuracy increased as the level of learning increased, while in the case of syllable combinations which also exist in Mandarin, though Taiwanese beginner learners also performed low accuracy in perceiving non-native syllable, but intermediate and advanced groups do not show the significant difference in accuracy of syllable-final nasals in the different positions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107557001
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101633
    Appears in Collections:[韓國語文學系] 學位論文

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