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    Title: 公民參與的制度設計與公共價值創造:臺北市的個案研究
    The Institutional Design of Public Participation and Public Value Creation: A Case Study of Taipei City
    Authors: 林煥笙
    Lin, Huan-Sheng
    Contributors: 黃東益
    Lin, Huan-Sheng
    Keywords: 公共價值創造
    Public value creation
    Public participation
    Institutional arrangements
    Institutional innovation
    Collaborative governance
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-11-01 12:07:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 長期以來,學者們一直認為公民參與可以幫助公共管理人者更好地識別和理解公共價值,從而改善政策決策過程和結果。然而,並非所有的參與過程都能為利害相關者在政策制定上提供有用的機會。一方面,有系統地考慮公共價值的最大批評之一是來自學術社群對公共價值如何構成明顯地缺乏共識,甚至對其如何被創造出來也不甚清楚;另一方面,公民參與如何在存在經常相互衝突的多元組織、價值、利益和議程的複雜政策領域中適應及管理。本文以地方政府公民參與的政策執行作為研究背景,通過整合公共價值創造的途徑與公共管理者對公民參與的看法的迭代過程來嘗試解決這個問題。此過程確立了公共管理者個人特質、參與過程特徵、組織文化與能力,以及系絡特徵的迭代過程,以及跨越公民社會、政治和行政間界限的制度安排。研究發現強調,特定政府委員會的制度安排可以幫助政策制定者及政策管理者在跨部門及多層次的世界中共同創造公共價值。並且,認知到協力治理和制度創新是促進跨部門和跨領域的可能方法,藉此重塑政府與公民的關係並取得成效。
    Scholars have long theorized that public participation can help public administrators better identify and understand public values and improve policy decision-making processes and outcomes. However, not all participatory processes provide meaningful opportunities for stakeholders to shape policy. On the one hand, one of the largest criticisms of the systematic consideration of public values is the marked lack of consensus in the academic community about what constitutes public value, and may even likely be unclear on how the values were created; on the other hand, how the public participation might be adapted and managed to complex policy fields in which there are multiple, often conflicting organizations, values, interests and agendas. This study uses policy implementation for local public participation as a context in which to address this issue by integrating the approach of public value creation and public managers’ perceptions of public participation. It identifies an iterative process of public managers’ personal characteristics, participatory process characteristics, organizational culture and capacity, and contextual features, with institutional arrangements across boundaries between civil society, politics, and administration. Findings highlight the institutional arrangements of the specific government committee can be used to help policy makers and managers jointly create public value in a cross-sector, multilevel world, and recognize collaborative governance and institutional innovation as a possible means of facilitating cross-sectoral and cross-boundary connections which might help to reframe government-citizen relationship and to deliver results.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100256502
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101669
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