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    題名: 新興間接取貨模式之創新市場定位研究
    Research on Innovative Market Positioning of Emerging Indirect Pickup Model
    作者: 陳易群
    Chen, I-Chun
    貢獻者: 許牧彥
    Hsu, Mu-Yen
    Chen, I-Chun
    關鍵詞: 取貨模式
    Pickup Model
    Disruptive Innovation
    Conjoint Analysis
    Smart locker
    日期: 2021
    上傳時間: 2021-10-01 10:14:04 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著電子商務迎來爆發式的成長,取貨服務成為不可或缺的一環。與實體購物可以馬上拿到貨品的特性不同,電子商務必須透過末端物流以及取貨服務來完成購物流程。由於過載的貨品數量使得取貨服務供不應求,除了原有的超商取貨服務外,新興取貨服務也加入市場。中華郵政所營運的智能櫃模式—i郵箱也是其中之一,但在超商取貨已經取得大部分的市場份額情況下,i郵箱的使用率遠遠落後超商取貨,因此本研究意圖找出可能使用i郵箱的族群以及偏好,找尋切入市場的機會,同時提供給業者改善服務的依據。
    With the explosive growth of e-commerce, pick-up services have become an indispensable part. Unlike physical shopping, which can get the goods immediately, e-commerce must complete the shopping process through last mile logistics and pick-up services. Due to the quantity of overloaded goods, the demand for pick-up services exceeds demand. In addition to the original convenient store pick-up services, emerging pick-up services have also joined the market. The smart locker model operated by Chunghwa Post and named i box is also one of them. However, convenient store pick-up services has already achieved most of the market share. The use of i box service is far behind the convenient store pick-up service. Therefore, this research intends to find out the groups and preferences that may use the i box service, looking for opportunities to enter market, and provide tactics for the industry to improve services.
    This study uses the hierarchical Bayesian choice-based conjoint (HB-CBC) analysis method to understand the consumer preference structure for the pick-up mode. First, the researcher sorts out the 10 attributes of the pick-up service, and then questionnaire was designed in accordance with the framework of the conjoint analysis. Valid questionnaires were collected by convenience sampling of 303. Through HB-CBC analysis to understand the consumer`s preference for services. According to the results, we discuss the division of different purchased products, and use cluster analysis to analyze the characteristics of each group.
    The research results show that the preferences for indirect pickup are “transportation service cost”, “goods arrival time”, “convenience of pickup location”, “identity verification”, and “service type”. The analysis results segment the market into three clusters. Cluster 1 is named “Prudent Pickup Group”; cluster 2 is named “Penny-pinching Group”; cluster 3 is named “Self-Operation Group”. According to the framework of identification disruptive innovation, the mass market’s preference for cheap prices, fast delivery times, and close pick-up locations are the current preferences in the market. The “Self-Operated Group” in the research results is the main possible users of smart locker services and the “Prudent Pickup Group” will use service if it improves timely assistance in order to achieve Detach-market low-end encroachment. Finally, when the smart locker service can satisfy the mainstream attribute It can become the market leader. This research hopes to design appropriate service content through service preferences and weights, so that pickup manufacturers can formulate good development strategies.
    參考文獻: 中文文獻
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    Lian, L., Zhang, S., Wang, Z., Liu, K., & Cao, L. (2015). Customers’ Mode Choice Behaviors of Express Service Based on Latent Class Analysis and Logit Model. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 1-8.
    Lin, J.-S. C., & Hsieh, P.-L. (2011). Assessing the Self-service Technology Encounters: Development and Validation of SSTQUAL Scale. Journal of Retailing, 87(2), 194-206.
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    Murphy, P. E., & Enis, B. M. (1986). Classifying Products Strategically. Journal of Marketing, 50(3), 24-42.
    Olsson, J., Hellström, D., & Pålsson, H. (2019). Framework of Last Mile Logistics Research: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Sustainability, 11(24), 7131.
    Johnson, R. and B. Orme (2003). Getting the Most from CBC, Sawtooth Software Research Paper Series, Sawtooth Software Inc., Sequim.
    Schmidt, G., & Druehl, C. (2008). When Is Disruptive Innovation Disruptive? Journal of Product Innovation Management, 25, 347-369.
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    Vakulenko, Y., Shams, P., Hellström, D., & Hjort, K. (2019). Service innovation in e-commerce last mile delivery: Mapping the e-customer journey. Journal of Business Research, 101, 461-468.
    Wang, X., Yuen, K.F., Wong, Y., & Teo, C. (2018). An innovation diffusion perspective of e-consumers’ initial adoption of self-collection service via automated parcel station. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29, 237-260.
    Weltevreden, J. (2008). B2c e-commerce logistics: the rise of collection-and-delivery points in The Netherlands. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 36, 638-660.

    Bardi, E. J. (1973). Carrier Selection From One Mode. Transportation Journal, 13(1), 23-29.
    Boyer, K. K., Prud`homme, A. M., & Chung, W. M. (2009). The Last Mile Challenge: Evaluating the Effects of Customer Density and Delivery Window Patterns. Journal of Business Logistics, 30(1), 185-+.
    Boysen, N., Fedtke, S., & Schwerdfeger, S. (2021). Last-mile delivery concepts: a survey from an operational research perspective. OR Spectrum, 43(1), 1-58.
    Chen, C., & Pan, S. (2015). Using the Crowd of Taxis to Last Mile Delivery in E-Commerce: a methodological research. SOHOMA..
    Chen, C.-F., White, C., & Hsieh, Y.-E. (2020). The role of consumer participation readiness in automated parcel station usage intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102063.
    Christensen, C. M. (1997). The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Harvard Business Review Press.
    Cullinane, K., & Toy, N. (2000). Identifying influential attributes in freight route/mode choice decisions: a content analysis. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 36(1), 41-53.
    Cunningham, C. E., Deal, K., & Chen, Y. (2010). Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis. The Patient: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, 3(4), 257-273.
    Danneels, E. (2004). Disruptive Technology Reconsidered: A Critique and Research Agenda. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 21, 246-258.
    Desarbo, W. S., Ramaswamy, V., & Cohen, S. H. (1995). Market segmentation with choice-based conjoint analysis. Marketing Letters, 6(2), 137-147.
    Govindarajan, V., & Kopalle, P. (2005). The Usefulness of Measuring Disruptiveness of Innovations Ex Post in Making Ex Ante Predictions*. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23, 12-18.
    Green, P., Krieger, A., & Wind, Y. (2001). Thirty Years of Conjoint Analysis: Reflections and Prospects. Interfaces, 31, S56-S73.
    Green, P. E. (1974). On the Design of Choice Experiments Involving Multifactor Alternatives. Journal of Consumer Research, 1(2), 61-68.
    Green, P. E., & Srinivasan, V. (1978). Conjoint Analysis in Consumer Research: Issues and Outlook. Journal of Consumer Research, 5(2), 103-123.
    Green, P. E., & Srinivasan, V. (1990). Conjoint Analysis in Marketing: New Developments with Implications for Research and Practice. Journal of Marketing, 54(4), 3-19.
    Hair, J. F., William C Black,Barry J Babin,Rolph E Anderson. (2009). Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson Education.
    Hill, A., Hays, J., & Naveh, E. (2000). A Model for Optimal Delivery Time Guarantees. Journal of Service Research - J SERV RES, 2, 254-264.
    Holbrook, M. B., & Howard, J. A. (1977). Frequently purchased nondurable goods and services. Selected Aspects of Consumer Behavior, 1, 189-222.
    Holdorf, S., & Haasis, H. (2014). Last mile delivery concepts in E-Commerce an empirical approach. The 8th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA 2014), 1-6.
    Holton, R. H. (1958). The Distinction between Convenience Goods, Shopping Goods, and Specialty Goods. Journal of Marketing, 23(1), 53-56.
    Jia, J., Fischer, G. W., & Dyer, J. S. (1998). Attribute weighting methods and decision quality in the presence of response error: a simulation study. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 11(2), 85-105.
    Kull, T., Boyer, K.K., & Calantone, R. (2007). Last‐mile supply chain efficiency: an analysis of learning curves in online ordering. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27, 409-434.
    Leung, K. H., Choy, K. L., Siu, P. K. Y., Ho, G. T. S., Lam, H. Y., & Lee, C. K. M. (2018). A B2C e-commerce intelligent system for re-engineering the e-order fulfilment process. Expert Systems with Applications, 91, 386-401.
    Li, F., Fan, Z., Cao, B., & Li, X. (2020). Logistics Service Mode Selection for Last Mile Delivery: An Analysis Method Considering Customer Utility and Delivery Service Cost. Sustainability, 13, 284.
    Lian, L., Zhang, S., Wang, Z., Liu, K., & Cao, L. (2015). Customers’ Mode Choice Behaviors of Express Service Based on Latent Class Analysis and Logit Model. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 1-8.
    Lin, J.-S. C., & Hsieh, P.-L. (2011). Assessing the Self-service Technology Encounters: Development and Validation of SSTQUAL Scale. Journal of Retailing, 87(2), 194-206.
    McGinnis, M. A. (1990). The Relative Importance of Cost and Service in Freight Transportation Choice: Before and After Deregulation. Transportation Journal, 30(1), 12-19.
    Moore, W. L. (2004). A cross-validity comparison of rating-based and choice-based conjoint analysis models. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21(3), 299-312.
    Murphy, P. E., & Enis, B. M. (1986). Classifying Products Strategically. Journal of Marketing, 50(3), 24-42.
    Olsson, J., Hellström, D., & Pålsson, H. (2019). Framework of Last Mile Logistics Research: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Sustainability, 11(24), 7131.
    Johnson, R. and B. Orme (2003). Getting the Most from CBC, Sawtooth Software Research Paper Series, Sawtooth Software Inc., Sequim.
    Schmidt, G., & Druehl, C. (2008). When Is Disruptive Innovation Disruptive? Journal of Product Innovation Management, 25, 347-369.
    Sharma, A., Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (1995). The customer satisfaction/logistics interface. Journal of Business Logistics, 16(2), 1.
    Thirumalai, S., & Sinha, K. K. (2005). Customer satisfaction with order fulfillment in retail supply chains: implications of product type in electronic B2C transactions. Journal of Operations Management, 23(3), 291-303.
    United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019). World urbanization prospects: The 2018 revision (ST/ESA/SER.A/420). New York: United Nations.
    Vakulenko, Y., Hellström, D., & Hjort, K. (2018). What`s in the parcel locker? Exploring customer value in e-commerce last mile delivery. Journal of Business Research, 88, 421-427.
    Vakulenko, Y., Shams, P., Hellström, D., & Hjort, K. (2019). Service innovation in e-commerce last mile delivery: Mapping the e-customer journey. Journal of Business Research, 101, 461-468.
    Wang, X., Yuen, K.F., Wong, Y., & Teo, C. (2018). An innovation diffusion perspective of e-consumers’ initial adoption of self-collection service via automated parcel station. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29, 237-260.
    Weltevreden, J. (2008). B2c e-commerce logistics: the rise of collection-and-delivery points in The Netherlands. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 36, 638-660.
    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364101
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101576
    顯示於類別:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文


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