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    Title: 台灣威權時期的農地政體變遷
    The Farmland Reform in the Authoritarian Period in Taiwan
    Authors: 彭思錦
    Peng, Ssu-Chin
    Contributors: 鄭力軒
    Cheng, Li-Hsung
    Peng, Ssu-Chin
    Keywords: 制度分析
    Institutional Analysis
    Variables Center
    Using Land to Bind Food
    Using Land to Bind People
    Social Stabilities
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-10-01 10:12:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究立基於國家中心論的制度分析架構討論台灣威權政府時期的土地變遷過程。希望回答為何台灣會在1970年代農業生產退居經濟發展的次要角色時,為何政府還要通過農業發展條例、區域計畫法等被過往學者視為是限制農地他用的立法?為了回答前述問題,本文採用歷史社會學已變項為中心之方法,區分出行動者、理念、權力、反餽等四個變項,一方面作為制度分析中討論制度變遷如何可能的架構,另一方面討論當時主導台灣農地使用政策的行動者之間其對於制度的反餽、提出的理念以及其權力關係等,作為理解當時立法過程的分析架構。而本研究結果顯示,在1950年代和1960年代早期,省糧食局在台灣農地使用政策上扮演了相當重要的角色,透過土地改革、糧食調查員等制度設計,其達成了以地綁糧,亦即透過掌握土地進而掌握糧食生產的方式,除了達成國民政府的糧食需求外,亦得以透過糧食外銷賺取外匯。不過到了1965年以後,由於省糧食局長期壓低糧價,使得農業生產出現了農民收入降低、農村勞動力流失等現象,使得農復會和部分農經學者開始批評省糧食局建立的糧食生產制度。而在同一時期,台灣稻米的主要外銷國家日本,其國內生產復甦和泰國、越南等地亦向日本銷售稻米的情形下,使得台灣稻米的外銷市場不在,亦讓省糧食局對於國民政府的重要性開始降低。也因此行政院於1969年時通過了檢討台灣糧食生產政策的決議,使得擔任省糧食局局長長達24年的李連春離任,省糧食局亦進行改組。而其為以地綁糧目標所推動的各種政策亦被一一廢除。也因為如此,國民政府為了解決農民因農業生產困難而到城市謀求收入更高之工作的現象,而分別在1970年代通過農業發展條例、區域計畫法,在1980年代推動八萬農業大軍、農業健康保險、農地重劃條例等辦法,希望透過以地綁人的方式,將農民留在農村當中,不要大量湧入都市,造成都市問題。整體而言,本研究認為在1970年代初期的制度變革,其目的在於維繫社會穩定,進而穩定國民政府的統治。
    This research discussed the farmland policies reform in the authoritarian period in Taiwan in the 1970s, when agricultural production became non-significant in economic development. Such phenomena make researchers wonder why the Taiwanese government still promotes the reforms of farmland policies in this particular era? This research followed institutionalism and the method called "variable-center" from historical sociology to answer this question. This research proposes four variables, including actor, idea, power, and feedback, as the analytical frame for this question. The findings reveal that the logic behind the institutional change is to maintain social stability. To be more specific, in the 1950s and the early 1960s, the Food Bureau in Taiwan province successfully used land reforms and farmland policies to control rice production, the primary food source in Taiwan. Using these policies, the Food Bureau can provide enough food for the central government and export the surplus rice production for foreign exchange. However, the Food Bureau maintains the rice price at a relatively low level with their rice collecting policies, causing the agricultural production to face the problems such as low income and labor loss. This situation makes other actors, such as the Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction and some agricultural economists, ask for reform in food production policies. As a result, the Executive Yuan reorganized the Food Bureau and stopped maintaining low food prices. At the same time, the new problem is how to prevent farmers from immigrating to urban areas to cause stability concerns within. Under this consideration, the Taiwanese government further proposed new policies on agricultural production, especially on farmland controls. Hoping through this reform can bind farmers with farmlands, therefore keeping them in the rural areas. Hence, this research concludes that the primary concern of the reforms was the consideration of social stability, which is a critical aspect for authoritarian regimes` survival.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103254504
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101595
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