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    Title: 新住民相關服務資源可近性初探
    The Study on the Spatial Accessibility of New Immigrants` Service Resources
    Authors: 符智維
    Fu, Chih-Wei
    Contributors: 廖興中
    Liao, Sing-Jhong
    Fu, Chih-Wei
    Keywords: 可近性
    New Immigrant
    Two-step Floating Catchment Area Method
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-10-01 10:11:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新住民議題過去不斷的被拿來討論,著重於生活、語言、文化、教育等,惟在資源方面的討論,僅止於需求資源有哪些,而未有更深入的探討新住民對於資源的接觸程度如何。透過可近性的研究,可以理解不同區域新住民在資源上能夠使用的程度,亦即新住民是否容易接近資源,又有多少資源可供新住民使用等。本研究利用地理資訊系統製作台北市、台中市、高雄市、宜蘭縣、苗栗縣、彰化縣、屏東縣等七縣市的可近性結果分布圖,以兩階段流動搜尋法進行各鄉鎮市區的可近性計算,分別呈現2、5、10公里距離下的服務範圍,並比較不同發展程度的鄉鎮市區在可近性上的差異,以及使用集群分析將各鄉鎮市區分為不同程度的可近性群體來進行比較。結果顯示,醫療資源和新住民家庭服務中心的據點較少,可近性相對較低,語言學習據點則分布較廣且密集,擁有較好的可近性數值。在ANOVA分析中,僅有在醫療資源上可近性有明顯差異,語言學習和新住民家庭服務中心的可近性則在不同發展程度的市鎮沒有明顯差異。最後,集群分析將各鄉鎮市區分別分為四及五群,透過K平均數集群分析找出三種資源可近性較好或較差之地區,並針對各群不同的特質給予相對意見。根據研究結果,建議可以新住民特別門診、志工、分散語言學習據點以及村里的社區服務據點等方法來改善可近性,以及提出本研究認為各縣市需要改善的資源和地點,期望未來政府在規劃新住民資源時,能夠考量到可近性之因素。
    New immigrants have been discussed with the issue of living, language, culture and education for long time, but there are just a few studies which mention about the accessibility. This study aims to find out the resources that helping new immigrants to adapt their life in Taiwan. By calculating the accessibility of hospital, language learning, and new immigrants’ service center, it’s easier to understand if the immigrants can reach the resources, and also, how resources can be used by them. This study illustrates the accessibility distribution result of seven cities by using geographic information system (GIS), and uses two-step floating catchment area method to calculate the accessibility of different services within 2, 5, and 10 km service area. In addition, by comparing different villages’ accessibility by their development level and clustering the same villages into several groups can help us to observe the new immigrants’ service resources deeply. The results show that the hospital and new immigrants’ service centers have the lower accessibility due to the quantity of the resources. In the analysis of ANOVA, hospitals have the significant differences among different level of the villages, but the language learning and new immigrants’ service centers do not show the significant differences. In order to find out the places which have the worst or the best resources, the study divides the villages into four and five groups, and comparing those groups with their own identities. There are some ways to increase the accessibility, such as new immigrants’ clinic, volunteers, separating language sites and using village service centers. In the future, government can consider to improve the new immigrants’ service resources by using accessibility, and also, refer to the opinion in this study to make the improvement more comprehensive.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107256033
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101600
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