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    Title: 政府輔導青年創業之政策評估-以桃園市青年創業基地為例
    An Evaluation of Youth Start-up Incubation Policy in Taoyuan
    Authors: 陳郁欣
    Chen, Yu-Hsin
    Contributors: 朱斌妤
    Chu, Pin-Yu
    Chen, Yu-Hsin
    Keywords: 青年創業基地
    Youth start-up hub
    Innovative incubators
    Service Quality Gap Model
    Policy evaluation
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-10-01 10:11:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,國際間興起創新創業風潮,世界各地針對青年族群採取相對應的政策方案,我國各級政府亦推動青年創業輔導政策,提供創業青年空間場域及輔導服務措施,以回應青年創業不易的困境。桃園於2014年升格為直轄市,率先全國設立地方青年事務專責機關,開辦三個青年創業基地,以緩解青年創業常面臨的限制。為了解青年創業基地政策推動情形,本研究從服務使用者觀點出發,調查政策服務使用者滿意程度,分析服務使用者與提供者之間的落差原因,以期為創業政策領域提出實務建議。



    In recent years, a wave of innovation and entrepreneurship has emerged internationally, and corresponding policies and programs have been adopted for young people around the world. Governments at all levels in our country have also promoted youth entrepreneurship incubation policies, providing youth with space and counseling services to help them overcome the difficulties to start a business. Taoyuan was upgraded to a special municipality directly under the Central Government in 2014, taking the lead in setting up local youth affairs specialists across the country. The responsible agency established three youth start-up hub to alleviate the restrictions that youth entrepreneurship often faces. This study starting from the service user’s point of view, investigates the policy service user’s satisfaction, and analyzes the reason for the gap between service users and providers.

    This study adopts a mixed design research method. Online questionnaires were conducted to survey policy service user’s satisfactions based on the SERVQUAL scale. A total of 30 valid samples were collected. 13 policy stakeholders were interviewed on the basis of Service Quality Gap Model including policy makers and executors on the service provider side, PMO staffs in the service delivery process, and youth entrepreneurs who use the service.

    This study indicated that policy service user are satisfied with the youth start-up hub service actual deliverers’ attitude, enthusiasm and responsiveness, but there is room for improvement in terms of information software resource management, information collection and financial counselling services; overall, policy service satisfaction is relatively high. Second, gaps exist in youth start-up hub policy service. The reasons include government system restrictions, different positions of policy stakeholders, and internal/external communication gap, and performance evaluation dilemma, etc. Third, the environment of youth start-up hub is difficult to improve. Adjustments can only be made through management measures; the provision of information network equipment depends on the government budget and overall users’ needs; the effectiveness of industrial matching mechanism is limited due to policy stakeholders’ multiple perspective; internship program helps youth start-up teams grow up but relying on government budget; user satisfaction is relatively subjective, and it is difficult to meet the diverse needs of youth entrepreneurs.

    This study suggests that the government shall focus on capacity, finance and network aspect to promote youth start-up hub policies in the future, including providing common entrepreneurial courses, setting the schedule of entrepreneurial blueprints, providing corresponding assistance according to the entrepreneurial stage, providing filtered information initiatively, and making good use of the youth start-up hub as a matching platform and a contact mechanism for joint communication.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107256007
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101572
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