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    Title: 維修權之概念與全球立法現況剖析:以美國與歐盟為中心
    The Concept of Right to Repair and Status Analysis of Global Legislation: U.S. and E.U. as a Focus
    Authors: 林晋豊
    Lin, Chin-Fong
    Contributors: 王立達
    Wang, Li-Dar
    Lin, Chin-Fong
    Keywords: 維修權
    Right to repair
    Repair barrier
    Intellectual property rights
    Unfair competition
    Market monopoly
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-10-01 10:09:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 維修權是近年受矚目的新興權利概念,其權利主張係維護消費者自主維修權利,規範原廠朝向促進維修權發展目標,達到永續產品環保設計、維修資訊透明與公平合理供應原則。維修權概念目前在各國仍屬立法推廣階段,故此,法律見解與定義尚未一致。本文透過觀察各國維修權爭議案件與立法趨勢,歸納出維修權立法目的分為三大部分,(1)主張消費者自行維修產品或授權獨立維修商代為維修的權利,防止原廠利用資訊與資源不對稱所構築的維修障礙,形成市場壟斷的不公平競爭情形;(2)改善產品設計進而提高產品耐用性與可維修性,確保維修零組件與產品軟韌體升級供應時間,達到產品永續使用與減少資源浪費的環保目標;(3)依據公平合理原則提供消費者與獨立維修商進行維修時,所需的維修零組件、產品軟韌體與維修資訊及資源,並適度豁免獨立維修商與副廠零組件供應商,因維修目的所造成的智慧財產權侵權行為。
    Right to repair is an emerging concept of rights which has been in the spotlight recently. It advocates to protect the right of users repair their goods by themselves, and requests manufacturers to facilitate right to repair development to accomplish the policies of sustainable product eco design, repair information transparency, and fair and reasonable supply term.
    The concept of right to repair is at legislative promotion stage globally, therefore, legal opinion and definition are not consistent yet. This article observes the right to repair dispute cases and legislative trends of many countries and concludes three purposes of right to repair as follow:
    (1) Advocates the right of repair the goods by users themselves or authorize independent repair facility to repair the goods for themselves, to prevent repair barriers which causing by information and resources asymmetry situation which manufacturers have intended to create an unfair competition market monopoly situation.
    (2) Increases product durability and repairability by product design improvement, and ensure repair materials, software and firmware upgrade service supply period, to attain product sustainability and reducing resource waste of eco-friendly goal.
    (3) With purpose of repair, supply repair materials, product software, firmware, repair information and resource to users and independent repair facility by fair and reasonable term, and exempt intellectual property rights infringement cause by independent repair facility and Non-OEM parts suppliers moderately,
    The United States and the European Union are important economies which have tremendous own global brand products sell and been using in the world. Both of legal systems are important enactment reference in the world. This article will analyze and compare with right to repair legislative status, trend and difference of both of legal systems to summarize it as legislative references for other countries in the future.
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