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    Title: 電視新聞台新聞標題情感框架分析——以三立、中天2020總統大選開票為例
    Analysis of the Framing Effects of Emotion of TV News Headlines: The Case Study of 2020 Presidential Election on SET and CTI
    Authors: 蔡咏恩
    Tsai, Yung-En
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Tsai, Yung-En
    Keywords: 新聞標題
    News headlines
    Framing effects of emotion
    Partisan bias
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:24:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   2020年臺灣總統大選投票率高達74.90%,除了由民進黨的蔡英文勝選並成功連任之外,政治經歷較少的國民黨韓國瑜加入選戰,亦為2020大選中讓大眾意外的情勢,加上過去研究皆證明臺灣的媒體具有明顯的政黨偏差,其中政治立場偏向國民黨的中天新聞台,也在2020年被中華民國國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)裁定不予換照並停播,使得新聞台的政黨偏差議題再次浮上檯面。而針對總統大選的研究多為分析新聞台的政黨偏差,或是各台的報票數分析,因此本研究提出三立新聞台及中天新聞台在大選開票新聞標題的情感框架分析,並使用內容分析法與文本分析法,分析新聞台在各自具有政治立場的情況下,透過新聞標題呈現何種情感框架,並為了提高收視率,如何使用新聞感官主義吸引閱聽人。研究結果也顯示,電視新聞台會因為其政黨傾向而偏袒候選人,在新聞標題的描述方式或是有利程度上呈現與對手的差異,以符合閱聽人對所支持候選人的期待;在大選新聞標題所使用的新聞感官主義,也得出越聳動或越能引發情感與情緒的標題,會對閱聽人越有吸引力的結論。
      In the 2020 Taiwan presidential election, the voter turnout was as high as 74.90%. In addition to the victory and re-election by Tsai Ying Wen of the Democratic Progressive Party, the Kuomintang candidate Han Guo Yu, who has less political experience, joined the election campaign. This is also a surprise to the public in the 2020 election. In addition, past studies have proved that Taiwan’s media have obvious partisan bias. Among them, the CTI, which has a political stance toward the Kuomintang, was also ruled by the National Communications Commission (NCC) of the Republic of China in 2020 not to change the license and to stop broadcasting. The issue of partisan bias on the news channel has once again came to the fore. The research on the presidential election mostly analyzes the partisan bias of news channel, or the analysis of the number of votes reported by each channel. Therefore, this research proposes a framing effects of emotion analysis of news headlines in the election by SET and CTI, and uses content analysis and text analysis. The method analyzes what kind of the framing effects of emotion the news channel present through news headlines when they have their own political stances, and how to use
    sensationalism to attract audience in order to increase ratings. The research results also show that TV news channel will favor candidates because of their political position, and present differences from their opponents in the description of news headlines or the degree of advantage, in order to meet the expectations of the audience for the candidates they support. The sensationalism used in news headlines of the general election also draws the conclusion that the more sensational or the more emotional the headline is, the more attractive it will be to the audience.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108464014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101310
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