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    题名: 網球壞女孩:謝淑薇在大眾媒體與社群媒體中的再現
    The Wild Girl: Representations of Taiwanese Tennis Player Su-Wei Hsieh in Mass Media and Social Media
    作者: 羅英慈
    Lo, Ying-Tzu
    贡献者: 劉昌德
    Liu, Chang-De
    Lo, Ying-Tzu
    关键词: 運動與性別
    Sports and Sexuality
    Representations of mass media
    Representations of social media
    Female autonomy
    Self-exhibition of celebrity
    日期: 2021
    上传时间: 2021-09-02 18:23:24 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 作為臺灣第一位獲得大滿貫賽事冠軍(女雙)的網球選手、也是至2021年中為止的臺灣女網世界排名紀錄保持人,其與民間、政府等單位(網協、體育署)的糾紛、或與家人間的紛擾等卻使得謝淑薇在大眾媒體上的形象相對不是那麼地正面。另一方面,謝淑薇本人也經常在其社群媒體上公開發言,平反自身各種爭議。本研究分析大眾媒體如何再現作為知名女性職業網球選手的謝淑薇,謝淑薇又如何透過社群媒體展現自身認同與形象。本研究選擇謝淑薇兩次大滿貫冠軍(2013、2019)、亞運及奧運爭議、2020聯邦杯爭議、以及2021年再創澳網女單八強紀錄等重大事件,蒐集傳統媒體「聯合報」及網路媒體「ETtoday」之相關新聞、謝淑薇在事件期間於Facebook與Instagram社群媒體發布之圖文、以及網路論壇之PTT網球板貼文等,透過批判論述分析及符號學式的視覺圖像分析,檢視臺灣媒體再現謝淑薇與女性運動員時所採取的論述策略,並且考慮到社群媒體在傳播環境變遷中所扮演的角色,藉由謝淑薇在社群媒體上關於女性與運動員身分的展演討論新傳播科技是否能賦予運動員一個多元發聲的管道。結果發現,大眾媒體多採取負面論述策略報導,因為(一)謝淑薇的行為不符合社會對女性的期待,因為運動場域中陽剛霸權的宰制導致媒體多以負面報導謝淑薇相關事件;(二)運動員通常被投射以「英雄式」的想像,然而謝淑薇許多場外行為皆與傳統英雄形象不相符,隨著名人、八卦文化介入運動報導後,過往對運動英雄的想像也逐漸淡化,運動員私生活成為媒體追逐的目標。相較之下,謝淑薇在社群媒體上的展演顯得較為正面,建立作為職業女性之外亦不忘為家庭付出、以及「靠自己/做自己」的形象,跟大眾媒體或刻板印象中女性「柔順」、「服從」特質有所不同,是一種「成功」、「肯定自我」的價值重塑。社群媒體讓女性運動員在性別及權威的框架下有了平反機會,關於女性、運動員、體育政治、乃至於社會意識形態議題,逐漸從私領域走進公共視野。
    As the first Taiwanese tennis player who had won the Grand Slam Championship Titles, and the Taiwanese female tennis record holder of the WTA ranking, the disputes among Su-Wei Hsieh and the other relative units (CTTA, Sports Administration, etc.) and the arguments came from her family had made the mass media image of her became rather negative. Nevertheless, Hsieh makes public speeches on her social media to strike back the controversies frequently.Therefore, this study cares how does the mass media represent Hsieh as a famous professional tennis player, and how does Hsieh show her self-identification and image through social media. By choosing some significant events of Hsieh’s career, this study collected the journals from the traditional media “United Daily News” and the internet media “ETtoday” during the time, and also the posts from Hsieh on her social media accounts, and the discussions on PTT tennis boards as the samples. With the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and the visual image analysis, this study tried to understand the discourse strategy of Taiwanese mass media while reporting female athletes. Concsidering the character of social media plays in the change of the communicative environment, the ways Hsieh presents herself as a female and as an athlete on social media are also being discussed to clarify whether the new media technology helps athletes to echo their voice in multiple ways.As result, the reason why mass media adopting the negative report strategy is that: a. since the hegemony of masculinity still controls the sports field, most mass media represents Hsieh with negativity because what Hsieh has done does not match the social expectations of females; b. people usually see athletes as “Heros,” yet Hsieh’s behaviors sometimes go different ways. With the celebrity and tabloid culture, the imagination of traditional heroic image has gone, the private life of athletes became the target of mass media. In comparison, the image of Hsieh which she presents on her social media is rather positive. She exhibits that professional women could still devote themselves to household duties, and she also builds a “by yourself/be yourself” image on social media, which is very different from the stereotypes of what women should be. The traditional characters of women such as “being gentle”, “submission” have now transferred to “success”, “self-confirm” throughout social media. Social media allows female athletes the opportunity to justify themselves. The issues of women, athletes, sports-politics, and social ideology are gradually stepping into public sights.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464031
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101426
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