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Title: | 人力招募網站行動裝置應用程式之使用意願影響因素研究——以104人力銀行為例 A Study on the Influencing Factors of Use Intention for Mobile Application of Job Search Website — Taking 104 Job Search Service as an Example |
Authors: | 邱昱綺 Chiu, Yu-Chi |
Contributors: | 張愛華 韓志翔 Chang, Ai-Hwa Han, Tzu-Shian 邱昱綺 Chiu, Yu-Chi |
Keywords: | 整合型科技接受模型 線上人力招募 人力招募應用程式 網站使用經驗 Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology E-recruitment Job Search Application Website User Experience |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-09-02 18:19:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 行動裝置的移動性與隨時維持登入的特性有利於培養黏著度更高的使用者,隨著行動裝置普及,人力招募平台紛紛推出行動裝置服務,目前網站對於求職者來說仍是不可或缺的求職管道,求職者經常跨載具使用線上人力招募服務,因此本研究希望可以了解影響求職者採用應用程式的因素,並且分析網站的使用經驗對於應用程式行為意圖發展的影響。本研究以整合型科技接受模型(UTAUT)為基礎(Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, G. B. & Davis, F. D., 2003),考量績效預期、努力預期與社群影響,並加入知覺風險與即時性兩項因素,針對有求職需求且使用過104人力銀行網站與應用程式的使用者發放問卷,並針對求職者對於目前「104工作快找」應用程式的使用心得進行調查。 研究結果顯示績效預期、努力預期、社群影響、知覺風險與即時性皆為影響應用程式行為意圖的重要構念,其中以績效預期與社群影響的影響最大。而越長期使用網站,績效預期以及即時性對於行為意圖的影響會降低,努力預期以及知覺風險的影響力則會提高。網站使用頻率越高,績效預期的影響會降低,社群影響的影響效果會提高。對於網站的整體評價越高,會提高績效預期對使用意圖的影響,即時性影響程度則會降低。此外,介面是否直覺使用是求職者滿意的主要因素,而職缺豐富為採用應用程式的重要原因,然而卻也認為職缺品質參差不齊有待改善。對於大部分求職者來說,應用程式目前仍與網站搭配使用,應用程式提供即時性與移動性,有助於提高使用者的黏著度,然而大部分求職者仍偏好使用網站投遞職缺與編輯履歷,因此網站與應用程式發展不應偏廢,應善用不同載具獨特的優勢,使兩者相輔相承,面對行動裝置趨勢則需要加強應用程式的易用性,使介面更加符合直覺操作。最後,職缺數量與品質是求職者關注的核心,應盡可能在豐富平台上職缺的同時把關職缺品質,如此才能使企業擁有長期競爭力。 The mobility of mobile devices and the ability to keep logged in any time are conducive to cultivating users with higher stickiness. With the growing popularity of mobile usage, e-recruiting platform companies have launched mobile device services. Job seekers often use online human recruitment services on both PC and mobile phone. The websites are still an indispensable job seeking channel for users. In view of this, this research develops a model based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, G.B. & Davis, F.D., 2003) and aims to explore the factors that influence the behavioral intentions of using apps, and to examine the impact of website usage experience. The constructs include Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy and Social Influence, Perceived Risks and Mobility. Using an online survey of users with both 104 Job Search website and application experiences. The research results show that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Perceived Risk, and Immediacy are all important constructs that affect application behavioral intentions. Among them, Performance Expectancy and Social Influence have the greatest impact. The research also finds out the longer you use the website, the lower the impacts of Performance Expectancy and Immediacy are, and the greater the impacts of Effort Expectancy and Perceived Risk are. The higher the frequency of website usage, the lower the impact of Performance Expectancy is, and the greater the impact of Social Influence is. The higher the overall evaluation of the website, the higher the impact of Performance Expectancy is, and the lower the impact of Immediacy is. This research also collected job seekers’ experience of using the 104 Job Search app, and found that an intuitive interface is the main factor for job seekers’ satisfaction. The richness of job vacancies is an important reason for adopting the app, but the quality of job openings is still a concern and needs to be improved. Most job seekers are both application and website users. While application provides mobility, which helps to increase user stickiness, most job seekers still prefer to use the website to apply for jobs and edit resumes. Therefore, application development should be as important as website development and the advantages of different devices should be utilized to make greatest synergy. With the global mobile trends, it is necessary for e-recruiting companies to enhance the ease of use of the application, make it more compatible and intuitive operational. Finally, because the number and quality of job vacancies are the core concerns of job seekers, the long-term competitiveness of e-recruiting platform companies depends on how great their abilities are to provide opportunities as many as possible but ensure the quality at the same time. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 108363029 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363029 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101210 |
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