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    Title: 以車載網路支援安全與舒適導向之跟車系統的效能研究
    Performance Study On VANET-Enabled Safety and Comfort-Oriented Car Following System
    Authors: 李秉諺
    Li, Bing-Yan
    Contributors: 張宏慶
    Jang, Hung-Chin
    Li, Bing-Yan
    Keywords: 車載網路
    Car Following System
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:16:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 截至2020年12月底,全國汽車數量相較於十年前,增加約1,140,155輛,即增加約16.16%,且仍持續上升,汽車數量增加,伴隨而來的就是交通壅塞以及交通事故的機率都大大提升。為了能夠舒緩交通流量以及降低交通事故發生的機率,於是各大車廠積極發展先進駕駛輔助系統(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, ADAS),其中自適應巡航控制系統(Adaptive Cruise Control System, ACC)算是近年來比較廣為人知且逐漸變成消費者在購買車輛時的基本要求。除了提供駕駛者較便利及輕鬆的駕駛體驗,大幅降低了駕駛者的疲勞程度,對於安全性也有一定程度的提升。但這些系統主要的功能還是在於「輔助」,實際在操控車輛的各種行為還是在於駕駛者本身。近年來偶爾會發生此系統因為其他因素造成沒有保持安全距離或是沒有採取緊急煞車而發生交通事故的案例。本研究參考其他相關跟車模型(Car-Following Model),將加速度與減速度控制在一個平滑的區間,使加減速度緩慢增加與減少,不會每次都以最大加減速度加速或煞車,以提升駕駛者與乘坐者的舒適度。同時,將最小安全跟車距離加大,提升跟車時的安全性,並比較僅透過雷達偵測執行的跟車系統與透過以車載網路(Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, VANET)支援的跟車系統,利用SUMO及OMNeT++等工具模擬行車動態。實驗結果顯示,透過以車載網路支援的跟車系統的反應時間比僅透過雷達偵測要來得短,且更加即時。此現象對於跟隨在越後面的車輛效益越明顯,大大提升了行車安全性。最後我們比較整個跟車系統的執行過程,僅透過雷達偵測功能之總花費時間約為198.2秒,透過車載網路功能之總花費時間約為177.3秒,後者比前者省了約10.54%的時間,兼具舒適與安全又有效率。
    Compared with ten years ago, the number of cars in Taiwan has increased by about 1,171,285, or about 20.64%, and keeps rising. The increase in the number of cars is accompanied by a significant increase in the incidence of traffic congestion and traffic accidents. In order to ease the flow of traffic and reduce the incidence of traffic accidents, many car manufacturers have actively developed Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC) has become widely known and gradually becomes an essential requirement for consumers when buying vehicles in recent years. In addition to providing drivers with a more convenient and relaxing driving experience, it greatly reduces drivers` fatigue and enhances safety. While the systems are only designed to “assist” drivers, drivers are the ones who practically control the vehicles. In recent years, traffic accidents have occasionally resulted from not maintaining a safe distance or not taking emergency braking in the systems. This study refers to other related car-following models to increase safety and improve comfort during operation, uses SUMO and OMNeT++ to simulate driving dynamics, and adds Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) to achieve vehicle information exchange, and finally compare the performance evaluation with or without VANET. Simulation results show that running the car-following system through VANET is more efficient than simply using the radar or the camera in front of the vehicle to detect and operate the system. The entire driving process saves about 10.54% of the time.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105971020
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101409
    Appears in Collections:[資訊科學系碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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