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    Title: 社區旅遊作為原住民族發展的軟實力工具:台灣烏來泰雅族經驗之研究
    Community-based Tourism as a Soft Power Tool for Indigenous Development: A Study of the Tayal Community in Wulai, Taiwan
    Authors: 康郁佳
    Griffith, Kendra Karina
    Contributors: 官大偉
    Da-Wei Kuan
    Kendra Karina Griffith
    Keywords: 社區旅遊
    Soft Power
    Community Based Tourism
    Eco Tourism
    Indigenous Peoples
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:14:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 旅遊一直以來都是創造人與人連結以及文化交換的重要機會。旅遊對於一國來說,是讓外國受眾感受到其政府治理效能以及文化的機會,無論最後是讚美抑或留下不好的印象。因此,觀光是一國展現軟實力的重要因素,得以藉由一國的文化以及價值來影響其他國家的外交政策。對於世界上很多的原住民社群來說,旅遊成為他們生存很重要的一部分。觀光為他們帶來可觀的經濟成長以及確保他們文化的延續。對台灣而言,亦是如此。
    Traveling establishes the connection between people and places from different cultures and societies. Tourism impacts the insight of foreign audiences and interconnects qualities such as governance and culture that expresses the splendor of a country, deeming it praiseworthy of emulation. Consequently, tourism is a significant factor of soft power – the aptitude to affect by setting inclinations of global actors and influencing foreign policy results by appealing to a country’s culture and values. For many Indigenous communities across the world, tourism has developed into a vital part of their livelihoods. Tourism opens doors to possible economic development and serves as a tool to ensure cultural survival. Tourism plays a vital role in the development of Indigenous towns in Taiwan. Across the globe, many Indigenous communities have shifted towards community-based tourism as an alternate form of tourism model due to its potential for environmental and cultural protection. Taiwan has Indigenous communities that have been praised for their successful adaptation of the industry. Nevertheless, there are cases where the success of community-based tourism has been inefficient or as sustainable as promised. With tourism playing a significant role in Indigenous communities, the purpose of this research is to examine tourism as a soft power tool. More specifically, this research analyzes the elements of Taiwan’s community-based tourism in Indigenous communities, its policies and implementations, and development to provide reference to the development of tourism of Indigenous communities in Belize. By taking a qualitative approach this research examines the tourism development in three locations in Wulai`s Indigenous community in Northern Taiwan, focusing on the economic, sociocultural, environmental impact of community-based tourism at each location.
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