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    Title: 經濟互賴何時導致政治整合? 歐盟,兩德和兩岸關係的比較
    When Does Economic Interdependence Lead to Political Integration? A Comparison Between the EU, East and West Germany, and Cross-Strait Relations
    Authors: 麥亨甯
    Meier, Henning
    Contributors: 薛健吾
    Hsueh, Chien-Wu Alex
    Meier, Henning
    Keywords: 政治整合
    Political Integration
    Economic Interdependence
    Cross-Strait Relations
    East and West Germany
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:14:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 政治整合已經研究多年,但政治整合何時以及為何發生仍不清楚。更具體地說,為什麼在歐盟內部和東德和西德之間發生了政治一體化,而在台灣和中國之間卻沒有發生——儘管這三個案例具有相同的自變量,例如經濟相互依存、功能合作、社會交易和行動者追求出於自身利益。本文試圖通過認為要發生政治一體化來填補這一空白,還必須存在三個額外的獨立變量:合作的政治領導、有利的國際體系和有利的輿論。這些都是同等重要的,都構成了必要條件。因此,要實現政治一體化,必須給出三個自變量。這些過去和現在都適用於歐盟和東德和西德,但不適用於台灣和中國。相反,在兩岸關係中,政治領導不合作,國際體係不利,輿論也不利於政治一體化。
    Political integration has been studied for years, yet it is still unclear when and why political integration occurs. More specifically, why has political integration taken place within the European Union and between East and West Germany but not between Taiwan and China – although all three cases share the same independent variables, such as economic interdependence, functional cooperation, social transactions, and actor’s pursuit of self-interest. This thesis attempts to fill this gap by arguing that for political integration to occur, there have to be three additional independent variables: a cooperative political leadership, a favorable international system, and a favorable public opinion. These are of equal importance and all form necessary conditions. Thus, the three independent variables have to be given for political integration to be accomplished. These were and are given for the EU and East and West Germany, but not in the case of Taiwan and China. Rather, in Cross-Strait relations, the political leadership has been uncooperative, the international system has been unfavorable, and the public opinion has been unfavorable for political integration as well.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107862017
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101388
    Appears in Collections:[國際研究英語碩士學位學程] 學位論文

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