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    Title: 個人型創業家之間的動態競爭—以美妝YouTuber為例
    Competitive Dynamics Among Individual Entrepreneurs: The Case of Beauty YouTubers
    Authors: 張文瑜
    Jang, Wen-Yu
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Jang, Wen-Yu
    Keywords: 動態競爭
    Competitive dynamics
    Competitive behavior
    Individual entrepreneurs
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:12:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著社群媒體平台的增長,越來越多人將內容視為創業的題材之一,再加上自媒體產業的進入門檻低,使得使用者們紛紛開始經營自己的YouTube頻道,期望可以從而獲益。影音頻道數量持續增加,然而人的注意力有限,使得YouTube競爭日趨激烈。本研究以動態競爭的觀點為基礎,並以美妝YouTuber作為研究對象,針對其在YouTube上的行為,探討個人型創業家-以YouTuber為例之間是否存在動態競爭,過程為何,而其利益關係人是否有推動之效果。透過混合研究分析方法,結合非參與式觀察方法(Nonparticipant Observation)與相關研究方法(Correlational Research),藉由次級資料與文獻的蒐集,來進行議題的探討。研究發現,個人型創業家之間存在動態競爭之現象,首先,「產業環境」為其產生察覺與動機之原因,而「模仿」與「創新」之間的權衡,將影響回應能力;第二,「競爭之表現」將影響利益關係人之資源獲取;第三,利益關係人的察覺、動機、能力,驅動了個人層次的創業家競爭,而利益關係人所驅動的競爭,其績效較差。比較特別的是,相較於其他產業,「彈性的組織架構」、「自媒體之網路效應特性」與「外部導向的品牌商」為促進YouTuber回應來往的特性。最終,發展出兩項後續命題發展,歸納出YouTuber面對高競爭環境,可擬定之策略。
    With the growth of social media, “self-media” has become one of most potential professions for starting a business. There exists tough competition on YouTube due to the number of channels increase and the attention of human beings is intrinsically limited. This study takes beauty YouTuber as the object, combining Nonparticipant Observation and Correlational Research method, aims to explores whether there are competitive interactions between individual entrepreneurs and whether stakeholders drives part of the competitions from the competitive dynamics perspective. The results show that there is a phenomenon of competitive interactions between individual entrepreneurs. First, industry environment increases the awareness and motivation, and the trade-off between imitation and innovation affect the capabilities to response. Next, the performance affect whether they can acquire resources from stakeholders. Third, the awareness, motivation, and capabilities of stakeholders drive competition between entrepreneurs however it leads to a bad performance. Flexibility, network effect and externals are factors that drive YouTuber to response. We finally develop two propositions to summarize the guideline of competitive strategy.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364115
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101541
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