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    Title: 以專利分析方法探討生物科技產業之知識來源、知識影響力與專利價值
    Investigating Knowledge Source, Knowledge Impact and Patent Value of Biotechnology Industry Based on Patent Analysis
    Authors: 李耕佑
    Lee, Keng-Yo
    Contributors: 吳豐祥

    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Lee, Pei-Chun

    Lee, Keng-Yo
    Keywords: 專利分析
    Patent Analysis
    Knowledge Source
    Knowledge Impact
    Patent Value
    Patent Litigation
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:12:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 當前的生物科技產業正處於快速成長、高度競爭的階段,做為公認為最具發展潛力及影響人類健康與生活品質最大的新興科技產業之一,先進國家為競逐生物科技產業的市場與領導地位,紛紛投入資源進行研發。因此,掌握產業發展的動態及模式,建構分析與預測生物科技產業之觀察指標的重要性可見一斑。生物科技產業具有高度知識基礎性以及仰賴專利保護制度之特性,因此專利成為分析生物科技產業知識之重要代理變數。故本研究運用專利計量方法,透過分析生物科技產業專利特徵在時序上的變化及其與其他產業之差異,以期能更整體且客觀的了解生物科技產業。本研究共萃取及使用二十項專利特徵,其中包括知識來源層面的十一項以及知識影響力層面的九項。此外,本研究亦連結專利的涉訟紀錄,用以探討專利價值與專利特徵之關係,並建立生物科技產業的訴訟機率模型。
    The current biotechnology industry is in a stage of rapid growth and high competition. It is recognized as one of the emerging technology industries with the greatest potential and impact on human health and quality of life. Therefore, developed countries have invested resources in research and development in order to compete for the market and leadership position. Therefore, the importance of grasping the dynamics and patterns of industrial development and constructing observation indicators for analysis and prediction of the biotechnology industry can be seen. The biotechnology industry is highly knowledge-based and relies on the patent system. That makes the use of patents is an ideal target for analyzing the knowledge of the biotechnology industry. This study uses patent analysis as a method to analyze the temporal changes of each patent characteristics and the difference between the biotechnology other industries, in order to have a more overall and objective understanding of the biotechnology industry. Among them, this study used 20 patent characteristics, including 11 at the level of knowledge source and 9 at the level of knowledge impact. In addition, patent litigation records are also linked to explore the relationship between patent value and patent characteristics, and to further establish a litigation probability model for the biotechnology industry.
    This study found that as time progresses, the generation of knowledge in the biotechnology industry gradually introduces more talents and more diverse sources of knowledge. However, the ownership of patent rights is dominated by the enterprise and highly concentrated in specific countries. In addition, the scope of rights, the degree of universal use, and the multinational layout are also increasing. Compared with other industries, the knowledge sources and impact of biotechnology industry knowledge and patents are more concentrated in specific technical fields, industries, organizations, and personnel. At the same time, it also relies on more talents and prior technologies, and has a broader impact in the three dimensions of law, geography and time. This also reflects that the knowledge of the biotechnology industry has the characteristics of a high degree of professionalism, knowledge based, and complexity. This study also found that patents with higher value have stronger characteristics, which also confirms the analysis results between the characteristics and values of previous studies. Finally, this study also established a litigation probability model for the biotechnology industry that includes 8 patent characteristics.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107364202
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101465
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of TIPM] Theses

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