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    Title: 以企業加速器作為大型企業之開放式創新來源
    Corporate Accelerators as a Source of Open Innovation for Incumbent Enterprises
    Authors: 張宇辰
    Chang, Yu-Chen
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Chang, Yu-Chen
    Keywords: 開放式創新
    Open Innovation
    Corporate Accelerator
    Corporate Venturing
    Corporate Innovation
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:11:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業隨著規模擴大、資源累積,讓企業站在創新極佳的機會點,但也因為組織分工細化、複雜化、組織彈性降低,使得大型企業推動創新不力,創新步伐緩慢。二十一世紀以來,新創公司如雨後春筍般地增加,而企業加速器正是企業開放式創新的利器之一,企業攜手新創公司面對企業的創新困境。至今,有愈來愈多的企業正積極籌備企業加速器,透過企業加速器改善企業內部創新風氣、提升內部研發的創新能量。
    本研究將企業加速器加以分兩類,並深入探討兩類型的細節:(1)短期獲利、強化本業型 (2)長期投資、新事業發展型。前者特色是主張提升效率、企業加速器與企業連結性強、以企業為核心、追求連續創新;後者特色是主張價值創造、企業加速器與企業連結性弱、以新創公司為核心、追求非連續創新。在台灣,目前企業加速器對企業內部創新成效以提高企業內部人員的創新創業風氣最為明顯,但尚無法確認企業加速器對企業內部研發創新的實質成效,特別智慧財產權並無顯著增加。未來台灣企業在建置企業加速器時,應根據其創新策略與企業資源選擇符合其主張的流程、型式設計企業加速器,且須特別強化外部知識內化的機制,以優化企業開放式創新的實質效果。
    With the expansion of scale and the accumulation of resources, incumbent enterprises ideally have an absolute advantage to innovate. However, due to the complexity and rigidity of organization, large enterprises are struggling to promote innovation and speed up the pace of innovation. Since the 21st century, start-ups spring up like mushrooms. Corporate accelerator is one of the powerful tools of open innovation for enterprises. Cooperating with start-ups, enterprises can find the way out of the innovation dilemma. So far, an increasing number of enterprises are actively preparing for their corporate accelerators, by which they expect to improve internal innovation atmosphere and enhance the innovation energy of internal R&D.
    Previous literature about corporate accelerators mainly focused on the whole process of corporate accelerators, and it provided fundamental principles for general enterprises to follow. Although many scholars had different classifications of corporate accelerators, they seldom discussed the details of different types of enterprise accelerators and how to match corporate accelerators to corporate innovation strategies. This study employed qualitative research method with semi-structured interview, taking two Taiwan representative corporate accelerators as the study case. To gain a deep understanding of how enterprises benefit from corporate accelerators, this study analyzed the elements of corporate accelerator in depth.
    This study concludes two types of corporate accelerators: (1) Short-term profit seeking, strengthening the core business type (2) Long-term investment, new business development type. So far in Taiwan, the most obvious effect of corporate accelerators is the entrepreneurship promotion for employees. Nevertheless, the substantial progress in internal R&D has not been confirmed yet, especially the ownership of intellectual property rights that does not significantly increase. In the future, as the enterprises build up corporate accelerators, they should design the accelerator processes according to their innovation strategies and resources. Particularly, the enterprises should make more efforts on the internalization of external knowledge in order to optimize the effects of open innovation.
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