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    Title: 形塑綜效:制約中新能源科技與商業模式的整合
    Shaping Synergy: Integrating New Energy Technology and Business Model under Constraints
    Authors: 林慧綺
    Lin, Hui-Chi
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Lin, Hui-Chi
    Keywords: 新能源
    New energy sector
    Business model innovation
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:10:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 越來越多顛覆產業的破壞式創新出現,讓商業模式創新成為近幾年的顯學。商業模式讓科技得以為企業帶來收益,科技賦予企業創新商業模式的能力,商業模式與科技若搭配得宜,方能相輔相成為企業持續創造價值永續治理。功能式的商業模式創新觀點,認為商業模式創新須著眼於個別組織功能的創新,例如以商業模式九宮格創新元素,或是從價值鏈的完整性著手,運用策略調節價值鏈上的功能以創新,抑或是組織元素在創新過程的契合度。而複合式的商業模式創新觀點則認為,商業模式創新可以透過結合兩種以上商業模式以取得優勢,可以由兩個獨立存在、各自運作的商業模式並行不悖,或是將兩商業模式組合相接,例如組合大公司的市場優勢與小公司的獨到技術相互支援,抑或是由兩商業模式間內外部資源相互流動以相輔相成。然而,功能式觀點講究單點效應,容易見樹不見林,而複合式觀點強調的兩種以上商業模式整合,皆未考慮到在充滿變動與制約的新興領域商業模式創新。本研究以太陽能、風能、生質能三種新能源為案例,分析新興產業科技發展的脈絡與所面臨的制約,以及如何回應制約,包含制約的化解以及資源的綜效。學理上,本研究點出商業模式的蛻變性與情境式複合模式,說明從制約中調適而出的商業模式,點出商業模式非靜態規劃而有計劃地產生,而是要透過一個不斷修正與回應制約的調適過程形成商業模式。實務上,本研究提出新興產業或是被破壞的產業,應從回應制約而非創造優勢的角度思考商業模式創新,理解自身擁有的科技因社會性因素而存在的特性,透過轉換、組合、活化等手法,有效地結合科技與資源,持續敏捷地回應制約。
    With disruptive innovation revolutionizing the industries, the significance of business model has increased. Business model enables technology to create value, and technology enables enterprises to innovate their business model. Functional business model innovation point of view believes that firms should focus on innovating organizational functions or elements, such as implementing business model canvas, completing the value chain, or harmonizing the organizational elements. From the hybrid business model innovation point of view, business model innovation emerges from combining two or more business models. Two business models could be operated independently, or combined together. Moreover, they could be complementary by resource flow between one and another. However, none of these perspectives take business model innovation in emerging fields full of changes and constraints into consideration. By conducting solar energy, wind energy, and biomass case study, this research analyzes the technologies of emerging industries as well as the constraints they face, and explores in-depth how they respond to constraints and the synergy of resources. Theoretically, this study interprets the metamorphic nature of business model innovation, pointing out that by continuous adaption under constraints, business model innovation is rather planned but evolved. Practically, this study suggests that emerging industries or industries revolutionized by disruptive technology should consider business model innovation as responding to constraints rather than creating advantages. In addition, they should also consider not only the functions but also the social aspects of their technologies to better create resource synergy in order to adapt agilely and innovate sustainably.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107364114
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101450
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