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    Title: 以動態能耐觀點探討台灣鋰電池模組廠商轉型之個案研究-以S公司為例
    A Case Study on the Transformation of Taiwan’s Lithium Battery Pack Company from the Perspective of Dynamic Capability
    Authors: 蘇志騰
    Su, Chih-Teng
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Su, Chih-Teng
    Keywords: 電池產業
    Battery Industry
    Lithium Battery Modules
    Dynamic Capabilities
    Network Relationships
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:10:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球鋰電池產業正持續向上發展,台灣電子專業製造服務產業聚落完整,系統整合及3C產品的研發製造已聞名全球,與美國、歐洲、日本等電腦資通訊大廠都有合作,這也包括鋰電池模組的設計製造,過去主要鋰電池模組設計製造都應用在3C產品的領域上。從2015年全年的現象來觀察,筆記型電腦、平板電腦等市場出現整體的銷售衰退,下游客戶出貨減少影響產值,台灣廠商大部分銷售份額都集中在此類IT消費性應用市場,當該類產品產業特性步入衰退時,結果也反映在台灣鋰電池模組廠商的總體產值上,下游產業興敗是直接的影響到廠商的營業收益。


    結論二: 我國鋰電池模組廠商轉型時,其過往的核心專屬資產與網路效益,會
    結論三: 我國鋰電池模組廠商轉型時,其過往的路徑相依結果與網路關係,會
    結論四: 我國鋰電池模組廠商轉型時,會透過新類型技術研發的投入,來尋求
    The global lithium battery industry is continuing to grow. Taiwan’s electronics manufacturing service industry is complete and the system integration and 3C product R&D and manufacturing have become world-renowned. It has cooperation with major computer and communications manufacturers in the United States, Europe, and Japan, also including lithium batteries. In the design and manufacture of battery modules, lithium battery modules in the past have been applied to the field of 3C products. Observed from the phenomenon of the whole year of 2015, there has been an overall sales decline in the notebook computer, tablet computer and other markets. The decrease in downstream customer shipments has affected the output value. Most of the sales share of Taiwanese manufacturers is concentrated in this type of IT consumer application market. When the industrial characteristics of this type of product are in recession, the result is also reflected in the overall output value of Taiwan`s lithium battery module manufacturers. The rise or failure of the downstream industry directly affects the manufacturer`s operating income.

    When facing the decline of the old industrial environment, manufacturers began to think about the strategy of transformation in order to survive and develop, in order to break through the business bottleneck, and step into the new lithium battery product application field to make product transformation. This study uses the case of S company transformation process to study the transformation process of Taiwanese lithium battery module manufacturers from the perspective of dynamic capabilities and the relationship between social networks.

    The conclusions of this research are as follows:

    Conclusion 1: When Taiwan’s lithium battery module manufacturers transform, they will
    change organizational coordination and integration. As the establishment of the new learning system and new institutions will enhance the effectiveness of the transformation.
    Conclusion 2: When Taiwan’s lithium battery module manufacturers transform, their
    historical core exclusive assets and network benefits will be conducive to the establishment of new capabilities and resource advantages after its transformation.
    Conclusion 3: When Taiwan’s lithium battery module manufacturers are transforming, their past path dependency results and the network relationship will affect its path and network status after transformation.
    Conclusion 4: When Taiwan’s lithium battery module manufacturers transform, they will seek appropriate transformation paths and new technological opportunities by
    new types of technology R&D investment.
    Reference: 一、中文部分

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104364123
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101507
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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