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    Title: 日本印太戰略:以第二次安倍晉三執政時期為例
    Japan`s Indo-Pacific Strategy: Taking the Second Term of Shinzo Abe as an Example
    Authors: 廖子權
    Liao, Tzu-Chuan
    Contributors: 盧業中
    Lu, Yeh-Chung
    Liao, Tzu-Chuan
    Keywords: 自由與開放的印太
    U.S.-Japan Alliance
    Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)
    Abe`s Proactive Contribution to Peace Policy
    Indo-Pacific Strategy
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 17:59:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 安倍晉三第二次重返執政的政治理念展現其毅力及決心,朝向自信的正常大國之路邁進,及擴大日本國際影響力。2013年安倍晉三重返執政前的日本面臨領土主權接連遭挑戰,經濟成長低迷、美日關係惡化及中共威脅等內憂外患問題,安倍晉三努力扭轉戰後體制帶給日本的束縛。隨著國際政治局勢迅速變化,本文採新現實主義理論為途徑,國際體系影響國家對外及對內的行為為主軸,安倍第二次執政面對中美國際因素,形塑出最符合當下的「印太戰略」。
    Shinzo Abe’s returning to political center of gravity as Prime Minister demonstrated his great perseverance and determination that Japan is moving to-ward a self-confident and normal power, with the aim to expanding its international influence. Before Shinzo Abe assumed office in 2013, Japan had faced challenges one after another in terms of territorial sovereignty, domestic and foreign troubles such as economic recession, deteriorating U.S.-Japan relations, and the threat of the rising China. To certain degree, Abe’s efforts shook the post-war system that has constrained Japan for decades. While international politics is changing rapidly, this thesis adopts neo-realist theory as theoretical approach, and argues that the international system has had a great impact on a country’s domestic and foreign policy. Facing the Sino-US competition as the international systemic factor, Abe’s second administration has formulated the Indo-Pacific Strategy favorable to Japan.
    The second term of Shinzo Abe has repaired the somewhat alienated US-Japan relations with the Obama administration, and the threat of PRC government has created great pressure on Japan and shaped the overall policy of the Abe administration to “join the United States and balance against China.” By joining the TPP and lifting the ban on collective self-defense, the US-Japan alliance has become stronger.
    The “uncertainty” brought about by President Trump’s inauguration in 2017 readjusted Japan’s Indo-Pacific strategy, and the threat of PRC government continued to increase. Shinzo Abe responded to the changes in international politics with the vision of “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”(FOIP) to hedge against the tensions of great power competition and avoid becoming the bargaining chip, moreover, to be a flexible player in the Grand Chessboard.
    This thesis attempts to present Japan’s responses to the changing international system due to more and more severe Sino-US competitions. It aims to contribute to our study of international politics, as well as to our understanding of the responses of the countries that are under the similar pressure between PRC and the United States.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分





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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108922005
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101176
    Appears in Collections:[Masters Program in Strategic and International Affairs] Theses

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