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Title: | 中途輟學青少年正向發展的經驗探究-以某中介教育少年學園為例 Research on Dropout Youth`s Positive Development - A Case Study on an Alternative School for Dropout Youth |
Authors: | 廖朕妤 Liao, Zhen-Yu |
Contributors: | 楊佩榮 Yang, Pei-Jung 廖朕妤 Liao, Zhen-Yu |
Keywords: | 中途輟學青少年 中介教育少年學園 正向少年發展 Dropout youths Alternative education youth academy Positive youth development |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-09-02 17:47:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的在於以某中介教育少年學園為核心場域,探討其對中途輟學青少年正向發展的影響,並從中了解中途輟學青少年正向發展的歷程及結果,以及中介教育少年學園對中途輟學青少年正向發展有益的服務內涵。本研究方法採用質性研究,透過半結構式的深度訪談,共訪談了五位青少年及三位社工。研究結果發現,(1)中輟青少年發展歷程包括「風暴壟罩」、「透出曙光」、「陽光乍現」、「發芽茁壯」及「綻放光芒」。(2)中輟青少年發展的結果有「自我覺察能力的提升」、「正向的自我價值」、「問題因應及解決能力增強」、「人際溝通及關係維持能力的增長」及「多面向能力的增進」。(3)學園社會工作者提供的輔導及支持中,對青少年發展有益的因素包括「長時間且積極的陪伴、「個別化的輔導」、「自我覺察的促發」、「發掘並讚賞其優勢特質」、「培養問題因應與解決能力」及「使其感受被認同與歸屬」。(4)學園課程設計上對於青少年發展有益的因素包含「明確且合理的規範紀律、「學科課程重新定義學習」、「職業興趣型協助發展興趣及技能」、「外出課程拓展學生對生活的能力及感受力」及「營隊課程帶來全新價值體驗」。最後,本研究也針對上述研究結果進行討論,並針對實務與未來研究提出建議。 The purpose of this research is to utilize a certain alternative education youth academy as a basis to explore the effects of alternative education on the positive development of dropout youths, as well as to understand the courses of development and results associated with the positive development of dropout youths and the services provided at youth academies that assist in the positive development of dropout youths. The study used a qualitative research approach by conducting semi-structured, in-depth interviews on 5 youths and 3 social workers. The research results found that (1) the course of development of dropout youths includes the following stages: “shrouded in storms”, “signs of first light”, “daybreak”, “growing strong”, and “shining bright”; (2) the results of the development of dropout youths include: “increased self-awareness” , “positive sense of self-worth”, “enhanced problem response and solving abilities”, “improvement in interpersonal communication and relationship maintenance”, and “overall multi-dimensional growth”; (3) among the counseling and support provided by youth academy social workers, the factors beneficial to the development of youths include: “long-time and active company”, “personalized counseling”, “provoking self-awareness”, “discovering and praising strengths”, “cultivating problem response and solving abilities”, and “making youths feel recognized and belonged”; (4) in terms of curriculum design, the factors beneficial to the development of dropout youths include: “clear and reasonable rules and disciplinary measures”, “redefined curriculum and learning”, “career interest assistance in developing interests and skills”, “field trips that expand students’ skills and perceptions of living”, and “camp events that bring new values and experiences”. Finally, the study discussed the above-mentioned research results and made suggestions for practical implementation and future research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 104264015 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104264015 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101393 |
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