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    Title: 土地潛在開發時間分析-以關渡平原農業用地為例
    Analysis of Potential Land Development Timing: A Case Study of Agricultural Land in Guandu Plain
    Authors: 周盈嘉
    Chou, Ying-Chia
    Contributors: 林子欽

    Lin, Tzu-Chin
    Ding, Hsiu-Yin

    Chou, Ying-Chia
    Keywords: 農地投資
    Farmland Investment
    Farmland Valuation
    Guandu Plain
    Expected Land Development Timing
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 17:30:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著台北市的都市成長,都市建設與開發不斷地在進行,都市內部可建築逐開發的土地已變得相當稀少,而在都市中的農業用地,容易被期待有一天能轉做為建築用地,在高度開發的台北市,若政策允許,位於北投區的關渡平原儼然能成為好的土地開發素材,關渡平原有著約 300 公頃的農地平原,距離市中心與陽明山國家公園皆約三十分鐘的車程,不論工作或娛樂兼俱交通易達性,這裡的農業趨於沒落,多數農地為閒置狀態,許多地主已經把農地作為投資商品並不耕作,透過投資農地等待未來變更為建築用地時的高額獲利。由 Titman(1985)揭露都市中的閒置土地具有實質選擇權的價值,Colwell(2004)以實質選擇權概念,推算市場中投資人對於土地開發時間的期待,因此本研究欲以 Colwell(2004)將實質選擇權概念結合現值法的方式,透過實價登錄的農地交易資料,推算投資人對關渡平原農地的預期開發年期,並透過訪談投資人與當地土地經紀人,來輔助查核推算結果,本研究所推算之預期開發年期受到肯定,原因為關渡平原仍未有確定開發的政策方向,可開發時間勢必比相鄰的社子島區段徵收或北投士林科技園區來得長。
    With the urban growth of Taipei City, urban construction and development have been proceeded. The land available for building and development within the city has become quite scarce; thus, agricultural land in the city is easily expected to be converted to construction land one day. In the highly-developed Taipei City, the Guandu Plain in Beitou District can be a good land development material if the policy is permitted. The Guandu Plain has about 300 hectares of farmland plains and the distance between the city center and Yangmingshan National Park is about 30 minutes. Regardless of work or entertainment, it is easily accessible. Due to the decline of the agriculture, most of the farmland here stands idle. Many landlords have used farmland as an investment commodity to make high profits
    after the farmland is converted to construction land. Titman (1985) revealed that idle land in the city had the value of substantive option rights. Colwell (2004) used the concept of substantive options to calculate the expectations of investors in the market for the land development time. Therefore, this study intended to
    estimate the expected development period for the farmland in the Guandu Plain from investors through the farmland transaction data based on the Colwell’s (2004) substantive options and the present value. In addition, through interviews with the investors and local land brokers to assist in the verification of the results, the expected development period calculated by this research is affirmed because the Guandu Plain has not yet determined the policy direction for development, and the development time is bound to be longer than the adjacent Shezi Island
    expropriation or Shilin Science and Technology Park in Beitou.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108257004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101438
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