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Title: | 貢寮水梯田實踐里山倡議之研究 Facilitating Practice of the Satoyama Initiative at Gongliao-Terraced-Paddy-Fields, Taiwan |
Authors: | 陳佩佳 Chen, Pei-Jia |
Contributors: | 顏愛靜 Yen, Ai-Ching 陳佩佳 Chen, Pei-Jia |
Keywords: | 貢寮水梯田 生物多樣性 集體行動 里山倡議 生態服務給付 Gongliao-Terraced-Paddy-Fields Biological Diversity Collective Action Satoyama Initiative Payment for Ecosystem Service |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-09-02 17:29:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 水梯田除經濟與糧食生產功能外,尚具農業多功能性,其中涵蓋濕地、生態與文化景觀的永續性價值,並擁有極高的生物多樣性。其濕地利益被視為一種公共財,因其不具市場性,為政府提供了干預的理由。為恢復水梯田的特殊棲地與生態系服務,行政院農業委員會林務局自2011年起即補助人禾環境倫理發展基金會推動「貢寮水梯田暨濕地生態系統復育及保育計畫」,並將里山倡議精神融入本計畫。 本研究以貢寮水梯田為樣區,透過文獻分析法、參與式觀察法、深度訪談法等研究方法為之,採OECD集體行動理論分析貢寮水梯田實踐里山倡議之關鍵要素,以及探究貢寮水梯田實踐里山倡議之困境,並進一步驗證里山倡議與集體行動之關連性。最後,提出實踐里山倡議之策略以供其他案例之參考。 研究結果顯示,貢寮水梯田之復育確有達到里山倡議之精神,集體行動是實踐里山倡議之重要方法。然因地方與中央政府推動水梯田復育之理念不同,未能持續合作,致影響政策的成效與資源的分配。而保育合夥人制度代表消費者對土地利用方式轉變的支持,且合夥人師徒制、換工學習等方式提供了公眾共同參與之管道,是一種新型態的合作關係。又,生態服務給付(PES)確實提供了誘因,驅動農民持續維持友善耕作。 本研究認為中央與地方政府應共同合作,方能促進政策的整合與資源的有效分配。且以保育為前提之下,如何兼顧農田生產功能,以維持農民生計問題是重要的議題。再者,水梯田地景係屬文化景觀之一,為無形的文化資產,若能將之登錄於受列管之文化資產中,予以保存與活化,應有利水梯田環境的永續發展;此外,應邀請在地居民參與本計畫,並徵召有志者參與體驗產業活動,以思考從中培育導覽人員作為田間老師之可能,彌補具解說導覽能力有限之農戶問題,從而建立新的協同合作體系,更能落實里山倡議精神。 In addition to economic and food production functions, terraced paddy fields contain sustainable values on wetland, ecological and cultural landscape conservation, and rich in biodiversity. Wetland benefit is considered as a public good without marketability, so that there are reasons for government intervention. To restore the special habitat and ecosystem services of the terraced paddy fields, the Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan subsidizes the "Gongliao-Terraced-Paddy-Fields and Wetland Ecosystem Restoration and Conservation Program" which incorporates with the spirit of Satoyama Initiative, that proposed by the Environmental Ethics Foundation of Taiwan since 2011. Gongliao-Terraced-Paddy-Fields is regarded as a sample area in this study. This study applies literature analysis, participatory observation methods, in-depth interviews etc. This study adopts collective action theory as a tool to analyze the key elements of how community members in Gongliao-Terraced-Paddy-Fields practice Satoyama Initiative, the dilemma of practice, and relevance between the Initiative and collective action. Finally, the strategy of practicing the Satoyama Initiative is proposed for reference. The results of this study show that the restoration of Gongliao-Terraced-Paddy-Fields has indeed reached the spirit of the Satoyama Initiative and collective action is an important method for practicing the Satoyama Initiative. However, because the local and central governments have different ideas in promoting the restoration of terraced-paddy fields and cooperation leads to an end so that it affects the effectiveness of policy and resources allocation. The conservation partnership system represents consumers’ support for the transformation of land use. Besides, maser- apprentice system, au pair learning, etc. provide opportunity for public participation which develops a new cooperation relationship. In addition, the Payment for Ecosystem Service (PES) does provide an incentive to drive farmers maintaining environmentally friendly farming continuously. This study believes that the central and local governments should work together to promote the integration of policies and the effective allocation of resources. Under the premise of conservation, how the Gongliao-Terraced-Paddy-Fields consider farmland production functions to maintain farmers` livelihoods is an important issue. Moreover, the terraced paddy fields landscape is one of the cultural landscapes as intangible cultural asset. This study suggests that if Terraced-Paddy-Fields can be recorded and traced in the list of National Cultural Heritage for preserving and activating, it should be helpful to the sustainable development of Terraced-Paddy-Fields. Furthermore, local residents should be invited to participate in this grogram and the program should summon volunteers to participate in industry activities to think the possibility of being field teachers which may make up for the farmers’ limited field guide capabilities. Thus, people can establish a new collaborative system which will be practicable to the spirit of Satoyama Initiative. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 107923006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107923006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101364 |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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