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    题名: 基於師生方法學習多層次注意力的跨領域轉移學習
    A Teacher-Student Approach to Cross-domain Transfer Learning with Multi-level Attention
    作者: 唐英哲
    Tang, Ying-Jhe
    贡献者: 黃瀚萱
    Huang, Hen-Hsen
    Tang, Ying-Jhe
    关键词: 自然語言學習
    Natural language processing
    Domain adaptation
    Multi task learning
    Attention mechanism
    日期: 2021
    上传时间: 2021-09-02 16:57:32 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究應用於跨領域轉移問題上。跨領域轉移問題希望能解決在一個領域資料利用機器學習訓練模型,並將此訓練後的模型應用於其他不同領域的資料。跨領域問題的困難處在於源領域以及目標領域之間的差異,如 "快" 這個形容詞在跑車產品是好的形容詞,但在電池產品卻是不好的形容詞。在機器學習的問題中,利用已標記資料訓練模型已能達到非常好的效能,但更多情況是沒有足夠的已標記資料訓練模型。基於上述原因,本研究希望可以建立一個既可以解決跨領域轉移問題,又可以解決已標記資料量少的模型。
    The lack of training data forms a challenging issue for applying NLP models in a new domain. Previous work on cross-domain transfer learning aims to exploit the information from the source domains to do prediction for the target domain. To reduce the noises from the out-of-domain data and improve the model`s generalization ability, this work proposes a novel teacher-student approach with multi-task learning that transfers the information from source domains to the target domain with sophisicated weights determined by using the attention mechanism at both instance level and domain level. The generalization ability is further enhanced by unsupervised data augmentation. We also introduce a subject detection task for co-training the main model. Our approach is evaluated not only on the widely-adopted English dataset, Amazon product reviews, but also on Chinese datasets including product reviews, artist reviews, and public opinions of nuclear power. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art models.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108753207
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101251
    显示于类别:[資訊科學系] 學位論文


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