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Title: | 高達美論存有與語言之關係: 對柏拉圖理型論之詮釋 Gadamer on the Relation of Being and Language: the Interpretation of Plato`s Theory of Ideas |
Authors: | 謝宛汝 Shie, Wan-Zu |
Contributors: | 羅麗君 Lo, Lee-Chun 謝宛汝 Shie, Wan-Zu |
Keywords: | 一與多 語言 對話 邏各斯 哲學詮釋學 One and many Language Dialogue Logos Philosophical hermeneutics |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-09-02 16:33:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 高達美曾主張聯繫著存有與人類的語言,可以在柏拉圖思想中的兩個部分獲得進一步的說明:一個是邏各斯,另一個則是美學。然而,理型論本身具有的超越的特質,與哲學詮釋學的實踐色彩相違。柏拉圖對藝術與文字的批判,也與高達美主張在語言與藝術中得以揭曉真理也明顯相異。 因此,本文將嘗試論證,正是因為高達美看出了海德格的此在存有論分析在朝向晚期詩的語言之過程中,未能更好地說明人與存有之間,如何透過語言的中介被聯繫起來。因此,高達美藉由「道成肉身」與「遁入邏各斯」兩大概念,去說明語言辯證法的結構。另一方面,也將海德格的思想融入他對柏拉圖的詮釋當中,以解構傳統柏拉圖詮釋中「原型與摹本」的對立,使柏拉圖的形象從遺忘存有的起點,翻轉成(帶有現象學色彩的)追問存有的哲學家。且這套柏拉圖的詮釋也成為高達美的哲學詮釋學背後隱藏的根基。 最後,本文將說明高達美的語言觀旨在確定與不確定的動態循環中,試圖保存作為理性與和諧的尺度,並且兼顧一切創意與生命力自由發展的空間。所以,他的思想既不只是跟隨海德格,也並非只是一名柏拉圖主義者,他對這些思想的研究都指向他對於言與行 (logos and deed) 的終極關懷。 Gadamer claims we can expalin how language connects Being and human by two elements in Plato`s theory of ideas: logos and beauty. However, as we know, the theory of ideas itself has characteristics of transcendent, which is contrary to the practice characteristics of philosophical hermeneutics. In addition, Plato strongly criticized language, poetry, and painting, this argument obviously opposites to Gadamer’s claim that language and art reveals truth. This dissertation will demonstrate that it is because Gadamer perceived Heiddegger`s ontological analysis and poetic language fail to explain how people and beings are connected through the medium of language. Therefore, Gadamer expounds the structure of language dialectics by two concepts: “incarnation” and “flight into logos”. On the other side, Gadamer incorporates Heidegger’s analysis of Dasein into his interpretation of Plato, deconstructing opposition of “prototype and copy” in traditional interpretation of Plato, turning Plato`s portrait from the beginning of forgetfulness of Being to a philosopher who inquires Being. And this Plato interpretation also becomes a hidden basic in Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Finally, this dissertation will explain Gadamer’s view of language aims to make the space for the free development of all creativity and vitality in the dynamic cycle of determination and uncertainty. Therefore, his thoughts are neither just following Heidegger nor just a Platonist. His research on these thoughts all point to his ultimate concern for words and deeds (logos and deed). |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 哲學系 99154505 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099154505 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101469 |
Appears in Collections: | [哲學系] 學位論文
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