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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/136864

    Title: 設計師在服務創新的角色 以某三C零售公司為例
    A study of the role of ";designer";in service innovation-taking ";J-spot";as an example
    Authors: 許鶴錦
    Hsu, Ho-Ching
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Hsu, Ho-Ching
    Keywords: 創新
    Design Thinking
    general merchandise retailer
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 16:05:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 這幾年由於商業體系環境的改變,特別是在零售產業上,面臨線上零售的強大挑戰。消費者基於線上的價格取向與沒有時空限制的方便性、付款方式多元化等,加上物流的完善,紛紛流向線上;這使得實體零售業開始不斷的面臨加強體驗強度、更貼心的服務以及更舒適的賣場環境優化,以保住漸漸流失的消費者。
    1. 親身體驗現實與理論間的差距
    2. 面對組織問題的真實處理
    3. 設計投入需要具備哪些專業能量
    Today`s business environments are changing rapidly, and conventional retailors (bricks-and-mortar retailers) are facing great challenges from ever-growing and constantly evolving online retail landscape. Due to competitive pricing, shopping with no space constraint, diverse payment options and strong logistics infrastructure, millions of consumers buy online instead. Therefore, Bricks-and-mortar companies must constantly create a seamless shopping experience, offer intimate service, and optimize shopping environment for not losing more walk-ins.
    Obviously, the above efforts are not enough to combat the issues. Conventional retailers not only facing problems such that online shopping undoubtedly taking sales away from them, but also new shopping malls emerge with growing real-estate development and urban planning. Nevertheless, innovation, as core strategy, conventional retailers are actively seeking breakthroughs and new opportunities from various aspects of retail industry. Furthermore, conventional retailers need to reconsider how to position themselves in the consumer realm. Surely, these challenges and repercussion provide an opportunity for “Design” to be played a crucial role as conventional retailers evolve.
    The main purpose of this research is to explore the role and the effect of design being implemented into the commercial retail system. Through researcher’s personal engagement and experience in commercial retail sector, the challenges and difficulties were confronted and identified. As a result, this thesis, by utilizing qualitative method and Design Thinking theory, explore how “design” impacts on and, how “design” creates the new possibilities for the retail organization while evolving with the shift of retail landscape. Consequently, this research deduces how to avoid or to manage the foreseeable challenges for future retailers.
    This research takes the researcher`s own case as the research object; therefore, the research may be somewhat limited, but the following three points are still provided as research contributions:
    1. Discrepancy between research`s own experience and deduced theory
    2. Real world challenges and solutions within the retail organization.
    3. Professional skills and knowledge required for design implementation.
    Reference: 中文
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    2. 蕭瑞麟,「讓脈絡思考創新:喚醒設計思維的三個原點」,天下遠見出版社,2011
    3. 玉樹真一郎,江宓蓁譯,「『體驗設計』創意思考術」,平安文化有限公司,2021
    4. Tim Brown,吳莉君、陳依亭譯,「設計思考改造世界」,譯自:change by design thinking transforms organizations and inspires innovation,聯經出版事業股份有限公司,2021
    5. 黃會超,「實體店逆境求生:把消費者從線上通路拉回來:賣什麼都不如賣體驗」,好優文化,2018
    6. 王曉鋒、張永強,「零售4.0:零售革命,邁入虛實整合的全通路時代」,遠見天下文化,2015
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    1. Mark Johnson, Seizing the white space, 2010.

    1. 商週管理知識內參,「Airbnb如何用『設計思考』,讓瀕臨破產的公司,變身成為市值破千億的獨角獸?」,2019,https://www.businessweekly.com.tw/management/blog/26672
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    4. 楊又肇,mashdigi科技、新品、趣聞、趨勢「台灣首間獨立直營店『APPLE信義A13』正式開幕」,2019,https://mashdigi.com/apple-xinyi-a13-store-grand-opened/
    5. 楊又肇,mashdigi科技、新品、趣聞、趨勢「蘋果芝加哥直營旗艦店啟用,成為居民、與旅客全新城市交流廣場」,https://mashdigi.com/%e8%98%8b%e6%9e%9c%e8%8a%9d%e5%8a%a0%e5%93%a5%e7%9b%b4%e7%87%9f%e6%97%97%e8%89%a6%e5%ba%97%e5%95%9f%e7%94%a8-%e6%88%90%e7%82%ba%e5%b1%85%e6%b0%91%e3%80%81%e8%88%87%e6%97%85%e5%ae%a2%e5%85%a8%e6%96%b0/
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103932100
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101498
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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