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    Title: 論保險內部詐欺之防治─以保險人之內稽內控為出發點
    The Prevention and Detection of Internal Fraud of Insurer: From the Aspect of Internal Audit and Internal Control
    Authors: 盧郁文
    Lu, Yu-Wen
    Contributors: 張冠群
    Lu, Yu-Wen
    Keywords: 保險詐欺
    insurance fraud
    internal control
    internal audit
    occupational fraud
    prevention and detection of fraud
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 16:03:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 保險詐欺一詞,於我國學說上一直以來都廣為討論,然而定義亦多有爭執、眾說紛紜,故本文之首要目標乃參照各相關文獻並界定何謂保險詐欺。而保險制度運作之參與者眾多,不論保險詐欺之施行者為外部抑或內部人員,都將造成保險人財產上與名譽上之損失,將詐欺者之身分預設為保險公司外部人員之見解已逐漸無法應付越來越多變的保險詐欺型態,相較於外部人員之詐欺,內部人員之詐欺手段通常更為複雜,亦不以操縱保險契約之各環節為限,保險人面對內部詐欺之挑戰應如何因應便成了一值得探討的疑問。
    Although the term insurance fraud has been widely discussed in doctrines, disputes on the definition of insurance fraud still remain. Therefore, the primary goal of this article is to refer to relevant documents and define what insurance fraud is.
    In the process of defining insurance fraud, it is not hard to find that the focus point of doctrines is always put on the external fraud, even though both insider and outsider of the insurer may engage in insurance fraud. Moreover, the means of internal insurance fraud are usually more complicated compared with the external insurance fraud, which is, presupposing the identity of the fraudster as an outsider of the insurance company has gradually been unable to cope with the ever-changing types of insurance fraud. How the insurer should respond to the challenge of internal fraud has become a question worthy of discussion.
    This article will discuss the origin and development of the internal control theory, and based on it, observing how it can help organization to reach the objectives of operation, compliance and reporting with it’s core concept of its five components, and then analyzes how the internal audit and the theory of the three lines of defense assist the effectiveness of the internal control and the assignment of roles and responsibilities.
    Furthermore, due to internal fraud is a fraud committed by the insurer’s staff, this article attempts to use the procedures listed in the prevention and detection of occupational fraud as a method to block internal insurance fraud, and discovers that the internal control system and occupational fraud prevention framework have a tendency to converge in historical development, which become fraud risk management framework.
    In addition, in view of the fact that both the internal control and the occupational fraud prevention framework originated in the United States, it will be very important to refer to the provisions of United States of America law, especially Insurance Fraud Prevention Model Act, and Model Insurance Fraud Act. Finally, this article will draw some conclusions and give some advice on the basis of fraud risk management framework and United States of America law, expecting to promote the formation of an anti-fraud environment in the overall insurance industry.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107358003
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101170
    Appears in Collections:[風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文

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