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    題名: 對抗神經網路之執行路徑差異分析研究
    Differential Analysis on Adversarial Neural Network Executions
    作者: 陳怡君
    Chen, Yi-Chun
    貢獻者: 郁方
    Yu, Fang
    Chen, Yi-Chun
    關鍵詞: 對抗性機器學習
    Adversarial machine learning
    Explainable AI
    Neural network execution
    Differential analysis
    日期: 2021
    上傳時間: 2021-09-02 15:51:45 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 雖然卷積神經網絡(CNN)已在影像識別方面有非常成功的進展,被廣泛應用於蓬勃發展的機器學習領域,但對抗性機器學習的研究表明,人們可以針對 CNN 模型控制輸入內容,導致模型得到錯誤的結果。
    在本研究中,我們探索了對抗性圖片和正常圖片之間的神經網路執行差異,目的是希望推導出一種可解釋的方法,從程式執行的角度分析對抗性方法如何攻擊 CNN 模型。
    我們針對 Keras Application 中的 CNN 模型來進行差異分析,在正常圖片合成對抗性補丁,便可成功攻擊模型,改變輸出的結果,可在 VGG16、VGG19、Resnet50、InceptionV3 和 Xception 共五種模型上攻擊成功。
    我們利用 python 分析器在程式執行過程追蹤執行函數的參數、返回值、執行時間等,通過分析 Python 的程式執行路徑,我們可以根據不同的標準比較對抗性圖片和正常圖片的執行差異:計算不同的函數調用次數、發現不同的參數和返回值、測量性能差異,例如時間和內存消耗。
    本研究結果報告了針對 Keras Application和物件偵測應用程式兩種模型,比較各種對抗性圖片和一般圖片之間的執行差異,從差異中,我們能夠推導出有效的規則來區分原始圖片和插入對象的圖片,但沒有發現有效的規則來區分對抗性圖片和一般圖片。
    While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been widely adopted in the booming state-of-the-art machine learning applications since their great success in image recognition, the study of adversarial machine learning has shown that one can manipulate the input against a CNN model leading the model to conclude incorrect results.
    In this study, we explore the execution differences among adversarial and normal samples with the aim of deriving an explainable method to analyze how the adversarial methods attack the CNN models from the perspective of the program execution.
    We target the CNN models of Keras applications to conduct our differential analysis against normal and adversarial examples. These models that can be successfully attacked by adversarial patches include VGG16, VGG19, Resnet50, InceptionV3, and Xception. We synthesize adversarial patches that can twist their image recognition results.
    We leverage a python profiler to trace deep opcode executions with parameters and return values at runtime.
    By profiling Python program execution, we can compare adversarial and normal executions in deep opcode levels against different criteria: counting different number of function calls, discovering different arguments and return values, and measuring performance differences such as time and memory consumption.
    We report the execution differences among various adversarial and general samples against Keras applications and object detection applications.
    From the differences, we are able to derive effective rules to distinguish original pictures and pictures with inserted objects, but no effective rules to distinguish adversarial patches and objects that twist the image recognition results.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108356016
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101295
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