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    Title: 情緒勞動視域下電商直播價值共創研究
    The Study of Value Co-creation of E-commerce Live Streaming from the Perspective of Emotional Labor
    Authors: 李雅琦
    Li, Ya-Qi
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Huang, Wei-Wei
    Li, Ya-Qi
    Keywords: 電商直播
    E-commerce live streaming
    Emotional Labor
    Value Co-creation
    Perceived Utilitarian Value
    Perceived Hedonic Value
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:42:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 電商直播將閱聽⼈從獨⾃決策的孤島挪⾄與他⼈共在的場域中,並結合實時動態的溝通⽅式,供給了傳統電商平台難以企及的豐滿真切的訊息呈現與柔韌⽴體的情感交互。⽽電商主播勞動品質的⾼低直接影響其影響⼒、議價能⼒、市場價值和利潤率轉化,因此主播需要有意識地策劃與操控⾃我的情緒表達以滿⾜閱聽⼈的情緒體驗,提升直播間流量及⾏銷業績,但以往研究並未重視主播的勞動本質。同時電商直播軟體的架構設計,使得閱聽⼈⾏為具備展⽰性,透過彈幕互動、打賞等⾏為同時化⾝直播內容的⽣產者。本研究欲關注電商主播的情緒勞動如何影響閱聽⼈的價值共創⾏為,並納⼊感知功利價值與感知享樂價值作為中介因素探究其作⽤機制為何?

    E-commerce live streaming moves the audience from the isolated island of decision-making alone to the field with others, and combined with real-time and dynamic communication, it provides plump and authentic information and flexible emotional interaction that cannot be achieved by the traditional e-commerce platform. The labor quality of anchors has a direct impact on their influence, bargaining power, market value and profit margin transformation, so anchors need to consciously plan and manipulate their own emotional expression to meet the emotional experience of listeners, improve traffic spike and sales performance. Previous studies have not paid attention to the nature of emotional labor. Besides, the architecture design of e-commerce live streaming software makes the behavior of the audience demonstrative. Through on-screen interaction, “like” and other behaviors, they become the producers of live content at the same time. The purpose of this study is to focus on how the emotional labor of anchors affects the value co-creation behavior of audience, and takes perceived utilitarian value and perceived hedonic value as intermediary factors to explore its influence mechanism.

    The results show that the surface acting of anchors can inhibit the value co-creation behavior by reducing the perceived utilitarian value of the audience. The surface acting also has a direct negative impact on the value co-creation behavior. On the other hand, the anchor`s deep acting will promote its value co-creation behavior by enhancing the audience`s perceived hedonic value or utilitarian value, and the deep acting also has a direct positive impact on the audience`s value co-creation behavior. According to this, the overall influence structure of emotional labor on the value creation behavior of audience is constructed and improved.
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