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    題名: 接軌國際的幻象:藉布赫迪厄共謀觀點探討貸款赴外交換學生的「動機」
    The Cosmopolitan Illusio;or, Why Are We Having an Exchange Study Through a Loan?
    作者: 傅威
    Fu, Wei
    貢獻者: 劉慧雯
    Liu, Hui-Wen
    Fu, Wei
    關鍵詞: 文化資本
    Cultural capital
    Exchange study
    Social trajectory
    Structure and agency
    日期: 2021
    上傳時間: 2021-08-04 16:41:44 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   全球化發展令人們越來越重視參與國際事務的視野與能力,起碼對國人來說,「跟國際接軌」是一種無所不在的想望與焦慮。本研究關注的便是這樣一種現象——或曰,這樣一種對「接軌國際」的趨之若鶩——從何而來,目的又在於將人們帶往何處(是帶領個體走向成功的投資,社會責任對個體的勒索,或純粹是個體的自我實現)。本研究選擇關注其中一種相對特定的實踐形式:貸款出國當交換學生。這樣的手段同時帶有經濟上的投資期待,卻又在缺乏穩定人力資本回報上,帶有純粹追求自我實現的意義。


    As globalization continues, the importance of having the ability to interact with foreign others and navigate through transnational environments is now without a doubt. And, the desire and anxiety of “becoming cosmopolitan” are – here in Taiwan at least – all-pervasive in everyday life. This very phenomenon is the major concern of this thesis in which we explore what it brings on to us – be it an investment that leads to social success, a social responsibility, or just an actualization of one’s aspiration to become a better self? We pay attention to a specific kind of cosmopolitan practice, “having an exchange study through a loan,” as it signifies an economic expect of return – which is the nature of loaning – and the pure pursuit of self-actualization – as it lacks a stable human capital return rate - at the same time.

    To this end, we conducted an in-depth interview with 8 then-students having their exchange study through a loan. We focus on the life experiences that drove each of their decision to go abroad and the stories of what was happening during their times away. Drawing on the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu, we examine how their aspiration of cosmopolitanism has been shaped through each of their social trajectories, and what are the social effects on them of what they have done.

    In lieu of a conclusion, we pointed out that the omnipresent nature of cosmopolitanism within cultural fields is the reason why “becoming cosmopolitan” a desirable goal for the majority. And, we found that venturing on cosmopolitanism disposition is itself economical of a certain kind of cultural logic – rather than a traditional logic of economics kind. Nevertheless, due to the fact that cosmopolitanism disposition as cultural capital is widely recognized locally and globally, we believe the acquisition of it does make some hard money afterwards.
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105464040
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100836
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