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Title: | 新冠肺炎不實訊息的內容特徵與組織查核策略―以台灣事實查核中心新冠肺炎查核專區為例 Content Characteristics and Verification Strategies of Fake News about COVID-19― A Case Study of the Taiwan Fact-Check Center |
Authors: | 何琇琪 Ho, Hsiu-Chi |
Contributors: | 林怡潔 Lin, Yi-Chieh 何琇琪 Ho, Hsiu-Chi |
Keywords: | 新冠肺炎 假新聞 不實訊息 內容分析 深度訪談 事實查核中心 COVID-19 Fake News disinformation misinformation content analysis in-depth interview Taiwan FactCheck Center |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 16:41:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究分析事實查核中心的新冠肺炎假新聞共153則,以內容分析法探究其內容特徵;另透過深度訪談事實查核總編審,探討事實查核中心面對假新聞的策略。
深度訪談研究發現有三,首先,事實查核中心以「謠言生態圈」看待假新聞及不實訊息主動意識地擴散的情形;第二,假新聞及不實訊息透過內容、時間、國家、語言的多方戰術擴大傳播範圍;第三,事實查核組織利用時間性、人際性、數位協利以及小編共同作戰方式,進行事實查核並防堵假新聞。本研究建議,疫情初期針對「偏方」類型加強宣導;雖台灣尚未出現深假影片,不過在選舉期間應注意防範;新聞機構應建立社群小編的查核機制。 This thesis analyzes 153 news articles that contain misinformation about COVID-19 from the website “Taiwan Fact-Check Center “. By using Content Analysis research method, we examine the characteristics. In addition, we conduct an in-depth interview with the chief editor of Taiwan Fact-Check Center to discuss the strategies they use.
This study shows that most COVID-19 fake news are text-only and based on completely false facts which are related to "International Epidemic Prevention". Non existing events that occurred overseas are described, without mentioning a specific time and location. “Videos" and "research reports from experts" are cited to build credibility, but are mixed with fabricated or hoax statements. They are frequently presented in less than 100 words, or in short videos of duration less than 3 minutes. COVID-19 fake news are spread rapidly through multiple social media or messaging apps. News content categories changed throughout the pandemic. At first, news focused on health related issues, turned to focus on international matters later on.
From the in-depth interview, three key points are realized. First, Taiwan Fact-Check Center names "Rumor ecosystem" to describe the situation of fake news and disinformation spreading actively and consciously. Second, fake news and misinformation are spread rapidly by using various combinations of content and languages in each different country. Third, Taiwan Fact-Check Center uses multiple methods simultaneously to filter out fake news.
Finally, this research suggests the government should focus on clarifying healthcare misinformation during early stages of pandemics. Although deep fake videos have not been seen in Taiwan, the government still should take precautions during future elections. Also, news agencies should establish more standard procedures for examining social media news. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 104464051 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104464051 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100918 |
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