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    Title: 電商遊戲化行銷對品牌評價之影響:以蝦皮購物為例
    The effects of gamification in E-commerce on brand evaluations: A case study of Shopee
    Authors: 程雅新
    Cheng, Ya-Hsin
    Contributors: 陳冠儒
    Chen, Kuan-Ju
    Cheng, Ya-Hsin
    Keywords: 遊戲化
    brand attitude
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:39:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要目的為探討電商平台以遊戲化作為行銷策略時,消費者進行遊戲的參與動機對於品牌評價的影響,以及探討遊玩態度、遊戲投入與遊戲頻率三個變數在參與動機與品牌評價之間產生的中介效果,研究進一步利用事後檢定比較不同參與動機組間之差異。研究對象以曾經玩過蝦皮遊戲的消費者為樣本,使用網路問卷調查的方式搜集此類目標對象之相關資訊,回收之有效問卷為313份。研究結果發現參與動機對於品牌態度有顯著影響,且在遊玩態度、遊戲頻率此兩變數於過程中產生中介效果。研究結果應用到企業實務中,期望帶給電商平台進行遊戲化行銷時更了解消費者的參與動機,及其對於品牌態度之影響機制,並透過遊戲情境優化消費者體驗,利用遊戲化的行銷策略來傳遞更正面的品牌形象。
    Using gamification as a marketing strategy for e-commerce platforms, the purpose of this study was to explore the impact of consumers` participation motives on brand evaluations and to examine the mediating effects of attitude toward the game, commitment to the game, and playing frequency in such a process. This study further examined the differences between consumers with different participation motives using post-hoc analysis. Consumers who had played games on Shopee platform were identified as the research participants. An online survey was conducted to collect relevant information for analysis. The results of the study indicated that consumers’ participation motives for the game had significant effects on brand attitude. Further, attitude toward the game and playing frequency exerted mediating effects in the process. Findings of the study can provide managerial implications for e-commerce platforms to better understand the influences of consumers` participation motivation on brand evaluation when adopting game-based marketing strategies. The findings also suggest the implementation of optimizing consumer experience through a game-based approach to convey a more positive brand image.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363101
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100921
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