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    Title: B 型企業形象對 Z 世代品牌忠誠度之影響—以知覺價值為調節變項
    The brand loyalty of Generation Z on B Corp. image: The moderating effect of perceived value
    Authors: 邱泓鈞
    Ciou, Hong-Jyun
    Contributors: 林月雲
    Lin, Yeh-Yun
    Ciou, Hong-Jyun
    Keywords: B 型企業
    Z 世代
    B Corps
    Generation Z
    Brand image
    Customer loyalty
    Perceived value
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:37:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: B型企業為2007年出現全新思維的企業型態,致力於解決經濟繁榮下所出現的環境破壞、貧富差距等社會問題,而近幾年Z世代逐漸變成市場上的消費主力,成為所有企業不容忽視的目標族群。因此本研究以消費者的觀點,深入探討B型企業品牌形象與Z世代顧客忠誠度的關係,以及知覺價值是否在之中具有調節效果。研究方法透過網路問卷發放,實際回收306份有效問卷,並透過統計軟體SPSS 25分析和歸納研究結果如下:
    (一) Z世代消費者願意在能力範圍內,花費一定比例的可支配所得購買所喜愛的商品。
    (二) Z世代於B型企業中的購買經驗會顯著的影響對品牌的實質感受。
    (三) B型企業品牌形象與Z世代顧客忠誠度呈現中度正相關性,其中以品牌形象中的「象徵性形象」構面影響層級最大,意即Z世代重視企業形象是否能提升自己的關注度或影響力,以滿足自我內在需求。
    (四) Z世代顧客忠誠度與其知覺價值呈現高度正相關,意即對於商品的整體評價愈高,此族群會有高機率願意重複購買並推薦給親朋好友。
    (五) 知覺價值對於品牌形象與顧客忠誠度並無顯著的調節效果,意即Z世代即使不認為商品物超所值,仍然會對B型企業品牌具有忠誠度。
    B corporation was a new company pattern that appeared in 2007, dedicated to solving social problems that arise under the economic prosperity, such as environmental damage and the gap between rich and poor etc. Gen Z gradually become the major consumers in the market, being the target population that all companies should not ignore in recent years. From the view-point of consumers, this study investigates the relationship between Brand image of B Corps and the Customer loyalty of Gen Z, also exploring the moderation effect of perceived value. The research adopted an internet questionnaire survey, and received 306 valid responses. Statistical analysis using SPSS 25 led to the following findings:
    (1) Gen Z are willing to spend a certain proportion of their disposable income to buy their favorite goods within their ability.
    (2) The purchasing experience of Generation Z in B Corps will have a significantly impact on substantive perception of the brand.
    (3) The brand image of B Corps has a moderate positive correlation with the customer loyalty of Gen Z , among which the "symbolic image" aspect of brand image has the largest influence, meaning that Gen Z attaches great importance to whether the corporate image can attract their attention or enhance their influence to meet their internal needs.
    (4) The customer loyalty of Gen Z is highly positively correlated with their perceived value. That is to say, the higher overall evaluation of a product, the higher the probability that this group will be willing to repurchase and recommend it to their relatives and friends.
    (5) Perceived value has no significant moderating effect on the relationship between brand image and customer loyalty. That is to say, Gen Z will still have loyalty to the brand of B Corps even if they don’t think it is a good deal.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363070
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100657
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