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    Title: 企業轉型下人才發展機制之因應調整:以家登精密為例
    Human resource development practices in business transformation : A case study of Gudeng Precision
    Authors: 林芷緹
    Lin, Zhi-Ti
    Contributors: 黃家齊
    Huang, Jia-Chi
    Lin, Zhi-Ti
    Keywords: 企業轉型
    Business Transformation
    Human Development
    Talent Cultivation
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:36:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著全球經濟景氣多變、資訊科技越趨發達,導致國際化趨勢更為顯著,外在環境的劇烈變化趨使產業環境快速波動、競爭更為激烈,對企業長期經營帶來關鍵性之影響。面對世界地球村之全球化挑戰,策略轉型且進一步升級成為企業所需面對的共同課題。當企業因時代更迭遭遇經營困境,則必須藉由策略轉型重新創造屬於自己的競爭優勢,又企業轉型成功關鍵因素為人才發展機制之配置與調整。本個案研究以國內知名半導體產業且具代表性之策略轉型成功之企業家登精密作為研究對象,採深度訪談法引導內容並蒐集內部歷史資料作進一步分析探討。


    As the global economic prosperity becomes varied and flourishing information technology, the internationalization has become more pronounced. The external environment changes drastic and caused the industries fluctuate and compete rapidly. These critical factors bring impact on long-range business of the company.
    To face the challenges on the globalization, strategy transformation and industry upgrade had become common task to all of the company. When the company was in the operational dilemma, it must take strategic actions to transfer and rebuild their own competitive advantage. And the key factor to successfully transfer the industry is the configuration and adjustment of the human resources development practice. Therefore, this study will use the famous semiconductor company Gudeng Precision as subjects, which had successfully transferred the strategy. This research will analyze the adjustment of human resources development practice under the industry transformation by using depth interview and collecting history data.
    Gudeng Precision had implemented a human resource development practice, which was called “ Higher-recruitment and Huger-elimination” to dramatically recruit elites at the beginning. After run-in with the colleagues, some of employee left because of corporate culture adaptation issue and organizational change and conflict.
    This process was considered to be the only way to separate the wheat from the chaff for the company. Gudeng Precision had found their own Gudeng culture and characteristic of enterprise during this process. The perfect human resource development system also had completed by this process. First, human talent training by establisher; Second, management trainee program for cultivating Gudeng’s own management thinking; Third, industry- academia collaboration program for filling the over-expansion manufacture vacancy; Forth, performance evaluation development system and integrating corporate development targets and visions; Fifth, promotion mechanism and encouraging employee to keep improving themselves; Sixth, implementing Gudeng ‘s core value. Besides, the core value has been implemented and transmitted internally by three major activities: employee sports day; the most grateful staff evaluation; the best employee selection. Guiding whole members to identify with the core concept of the company, and adapting more in the corporate culture and working mode to lower employee turnover rates.
    Based on the analysis of this case to discuss about how to deploy and adjust human resource development mechanism, improving corporate performance effectively, and conquering internal and external competitive environment for a successful enterprise transformation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363059
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100906
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