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    Title: Instagram影響者行銷:自我與代言人一致性、品牌與代言人一致性及品牌體驗的影響
    Influencer marketing on Instagram: The effects of self-influencer congruence, brand-endorser congruence, and brand experience
    Authors: 王姿雯
    Wang, Tzu-Wen
    Contributors: 陳冠儒
    Chen, Kuan-Ju
    Wang, Tzu-Wen
    Keywords: 影響者行銷
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:33:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 影響者行銷作為一種行銷傳播策略,在近年來被廣泛使用且發展非常迅速。許多品牌行銷人員的主要工作之一便是挑選與合適的社群媒體平台和影響者合作,藉此來帶動品牌產品的曝光或提升營收。然而如何挑選合適的影響者對於行銷人員來說無疑是一大挑戰。本研究旨在揭開 Instagram上消費者、影響者和品牌之間關係的神秘面紗,以配適假說文獻作為基礎,探究品牌代言在影響者行銷領域中的有效性。分別檢視了自我與代言人一致性、品牌與代言人一致性以及品牌體驗對於品牌承諾與品牌親密的影響。除此之外,本研究也深入探討操縱意圖在此過程中是否具有調節的作用。研究結果顯示,自我與代言人一致性及品牌與代言人一致性對於品牌體驗和其他消費者相關的行為反應,例如:品牌承諾和品牌親密皆會產生正面的影響。品牌體驗在品牌與代言人者一致性和品牌承諾及品牌親密之間的關係中具有完全中介的效果,而操縱意圖也在此研究中證實會於此中介效果上進一步產生調節效果。研究成果應用於實務上能協助品牌及行銷人員制定出合適的影響者行銷策略。
    As a widely-used communication strategy, influencer marketing has been growing fast in recent years. Collaborating with suitable social media channels and influencers has become one of the primary tasks for many marketers. Building on the literature in the match-up hypothesis, this research investigates the effectiveness of brand endorsement, in the context of influencer marketing, aiming at demystifying the relationships between consumers, influencers, and brands on Instagram. The effects of self-influencer congruence, brand-endorser congruence, and brand experience on brand commitment and brand intimacy, respectively, are examined. This research further delves into the moderating role of inferences of manipulative intent in the process. The research findings suggest that both kinds of congruence positively affect brand experience and other relevant consumer responses, such as brand commitment and brand intimacy. Brand experience is observed to mediate the relationships between brand-endorser congruence and brand commitment as well as brand intimacy, while inferences of manipulative intent are found to moderate the effects of brand-endorser congruence on brand commitment through brand experience. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
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