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Title: | 德國對非洲的雙向援助 Bilateral Development Aid to Africa - The Case of Germany |
Authors: | 鹿西蒙 Reh, Simon Philipp |
Contributors: | 劉曉鵬 Liu, Philip Hsiaopong 鹿西蒙 Reh, Simon Philipp |
Keywords: | 外援 德國 移民 貿易 良好的治理 Foreign Aid Germany Migration Trade Good Governance |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 16:29:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | I am not able to write my abstract in Chinese. This thesis uses a mixed-method approach to examine the underlying priorities of German development assistance to African countries. It pitches the self-interested motives of facilitating trade and curbing migration from the continent against the more altruistic goals of contributing to development, alleviating poverty and fostering good governance. The qualitative part of this study includes a presentation of the structure of the German aid regime and examines four key policy documents from the 18th and 19th legislative periods, covering the time spans from late 2013 to 2018 and 2018 to 2021, respectively. In the quantitative part, the four different motives are operationalized through several variables and tested against German aid flows by employing regression analysis. The data covers the entire 18th legislative period and the first half of the 19th legislative period. The qualitative examination shows that trade and migration are considered more relevant to foreign aid by the German policymakers in the 19th legislative period than they were in previous years. Poverty and development appear to have become slightly less relevant over time. The rule of law and democracy in recipient states are addressed over the whole time period, but the protection of human rights appears like a much higher priority. The quantitative analysis indicates that states with a higher population residing in Germany in fact do receive more aid, while the geographical distance from their home country to Germany seems to be irrelevant in the more recent years. Furthermore, it finds that German exports appear to be positively correlated with aid. Surprisingly, the measures employed to account for the development orientation of German aid are all insignificant. Moreover, democracy is the only dimension of good governance that appears to influence German aid allocation. Insofar, this thesis concludes that self-interested motives dominate over the altruistic ones. This practice may be explained by the realist theory of international relations. The results put the rhetoric of the German policymakers in question and may be an indication for German aid being inefficient when it comes to the promotion of development, good governance and the eradication of poverty in recipient countries. |
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