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    Title: 歐盟對中亞地區的態度:務實行為者或規範性權力?以哈薩克為例
    EU approach toward Central Asia: pragmatic actor or normative power? The case of Kazakhstan
    Authors: 馮美芮
    Boquen, Marianne
    Contributors: 蘇卓馨
    Su, Cho-Hsin
    Boquen, Marianne
    Keywords: 歐洲聯盟
    European Union
    Central Asia
    Normative power
    Foreign policy
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:29:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文探討歐盟規範性權力在中亞的應用。因為與歐盟更加親近的夥伴關係,哈薩克會是本文個案研究的目標。當本文談及規範性權力,主要會論述歐盟大力推廣的價值,包含和平、自由、民主、法治、人權等等。
    This thesis examines the extent of EU normative power in Central Asia, following both the 2016’s Global New Strategy and the release of the latest 2019’s New Strategy for Central Asia. A closer look will be taken at the situation in Kazakhstan, serving as a case study for the region, for it is the most advanced partnership between the EU and a Central Asian state. By normative power, this research understands EU promotion of its constitutive values (peace, liberty, democracy, rule of law, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, all found in the acquis communautaire) and their pursuit in international affairs for, according to Ian Manners, “The EU has been, is and always will be a normative power in world politics” (Manners 2008, 45).
    To determine whether this statement is true or not in the case of Kazakhstan, and assess for the presence (or absence of) normative power, this study will examine several areas of policy cooperation between the EU and Kazakhstan. Namely, it will dive further into cooperation in the domains of the energy and the environment, security, human rights, the rule of law and justice, education, and finally trade and business. By strictly following Ian Manners’ six processes of norm diffusion (contagion, informational diffusion, procedural diffusion transference, overt diffusion and cultural filter diffusion), it will be possible to determine whether or not the EU foreign policy vis à vis Kazakhstan can be said to have a value driven inclination or if it follow a utilitarian approach. In addition, if it can be concluded to the presence of normative diffusion, this thesis will also use Michelle Pace’s concept of rewards as well as Holger Janusch’s logic of arguing, to determine whether or not foreign policy instruments are in adequacy with the norms promoted.

    After analysis, this research concluded that the EU is a normative power in three of the six policy cooperation sectors identified the environment, security and the education), with contrasted results in the areas of human rights and justice and the rule of law and minimum results in the case of the trade and business sector. Consequently, despite discrepancies between the different sectors identified, the EU does participate in changing the norms and standards in Kazakhstan in the policy areas identified and does it in accordance with the norms it promotes.

    Finally, this research will also constitute a preliminary study regarding future developments on the interplay of different normative powers (mainly the EU, Russia and China) in the region, and on the future of EU – Central Asia relations.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108862006
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100778
    Appears in Collections:[International Master`s Program in International Studies] Theses

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