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    Title: 以臉書粉絲專頁強化企業品牌權益 –以趨勢科技防詐達人為例
    Intensify Brand Equity with Facebook fan page: a case study of Trend Micro`s Dr. Message
    Authors: 何芍儀
    Ho, Shao-I
    Contributors: 張瑜倩
    Chang, Yu-Chien
    Ho, Shao-I
    Keywords: 社群媒體
    social media
    brand equity
    posting strategy
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:28:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Facebook作為大眾媒體最常使用的社群媒體平台,不乏許多企業品牌將之作為宣傳品牌理念,傳遞產品與服務資訊的重要行銷管道,為了維持與拓展與閱聽消費者的溝通互動關係,需積極經營其企業品牌紛絲專頁之貼文策略。


    As a widely used social media platform, many corporations use Facebook as an important marketing channel to increase brand value and deliver product and service information. In order to maintain and expand the relationship with consumers, it is necessary to utilize the posting strategy on the fan page for corporations.

    This study Trend Micro Dr. Message as a case to explore how to strengthen the company`s brand equity and to establish an interactive relationship with their audiences through different types of Facebook fanpage posts. Using netnography as the research method to collect data, it is observed how audiences interact with corporate brands.

    This study found that audiences can benefit from the fraud prevention information type of posts, and thereby this could strengthen their loyalty to the brand. Audiences share posts with valuable and practical content as well as product and service information generate brand awareness. Remuneration and entertainment posts would create opportunities for audiences to share personal experiences, thereby this could establish a close interactive relationship. Maintaining partnerships with governmental bodies establishes a credible brand image for Trend Micro Dr. Message.

    In terms of post content, this study comes out different post types which attracted various groups of audiences. This research also suggested that corporations could optimize the types of post content and expand partnerships on this posting strategy. In addition, this research also proposes strategies such as establishing conversion goals and using multiple media platforms to divert traffic based on the challenges faced on managing Facebook fan pages.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364127
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100931
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