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Title: | 正念認知治療對於憂鬱與焦慮干預效果之後設分析 Mindfulness based cognitive therapy on depression and anxiety: a meta-analysis |
Authors: | 林佳莉 Lin, Chia-Lee |
Contributors: | 郭昭佑 Guo, Chao-Yu 林佳莉 Lin, Chia-Lee |
Keywords: | 正念認知治療 文獻計量 後設分析 Mindfulness based cognitive therapy Bibliometric analysis Meta-analysis |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 16:22:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據衛生福利部統計處的資料,近年來臺灣服用抗憂鬱藥物以及蓄意自我傷害致死的人數越來越多,可見國人心理健康議題不容忽視。有鑑於正念認知治療近期蓬勃發展,有許多相關實證研究證實其介入憂鬱及焦慮的良好效果。因此本研究致力於探討正念認知治療的知識基礎、研究熱點與研究前沿,以及正念認知治療介入憂鬱和焦慮的成效,提供國內實務工作者參考。 文獻計量相關部分,本研究使用Web of Science核心合輯為文獻來源,分析1999年至2021年共計560篇期刊文獻。研究結果發現正念認知治療領域高度共被引作者為Segal、Kabat-Zinn、Teasdale、Kuyken與Beck等人;重要高度共被引文獻為《找回內心的寧靜:憂鬱症的正念認知療法》、<Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depression by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy>與《八週找回平靜、自信與智慧的自己》等著作;關鍵字共現程度最高者為「憂鬱」、「正念認知治療」、「正念」、「認知行為治療」與「正念減壓」等;突現期延續至今的關鍵字為「介入」與「後設分析」。 後設分析部分,本研究使用Web of Science核心合輯與中國知網為文獻來源,分析2000年至2021年共101篇正念認知治療介入憂鬱或焦慮之隨機對照試驗期刊文章。研究結果發現正念認知治療介入憂鬱與焦慮後測的效果在統計檢定皆能達顯著水準且皆有中度的效果量(憂鬱d=-0.530 [-0.625, -0.435];焦慮d=-0.500 [-0.632, -0.368])。 本研究呈現正念認知治療發展概況如最有影響力的作者、指標性文獻、研究熱點與趨勢,並證實正念認知治療對於憂鬱與焦慮的效果,希望能在實務方面對國人心理健康有所助益。 Since the official statistics shows the number of people who take antidepressants and suicide has been increased for these ten years in Taiwan and mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) appears to be a promising therapy for depression and anxiety, this present study aims to analyze the classical literature, hotspots and the development trend in this field and the efficacy of MBCT for depression and anxiety. A total of 560 articles published from 1999 to 2021 in the database Web of Science were selected to bibliometric analysis. The result showed the most influential authors such as Segal, Kabat-Zinn, Teasdale, Kuyken and Beck, the most co-cited document such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: A New Approach to Preventing Relapse, Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depression by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, the most common keywords such as depression, MBCT, cognitive behavior therapy, and mindfulness based stress reduction, and the research fronts such as intervention and meta-analysis. A total of 101 articles of intervention studies evaluating MBCT for depression and anxiety in random control trials from 2000 to 2021 were selected to meta-analysis and database used in this study was Web of Science and CNKI. Compared with control groups, MBCT significantly reduced depressive symptoms (d=-0.530 [-0.625, -0.435]) and anxiety (d=-0.500 [-0.632, -0.368]). The present study shows the most influential authors and documents, the research hotspots and the research fronts and provides evidence that MBCT is effective for reducing depressive symptoms and anxiety. |
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