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    Title: 中國南海爭端下灰色地帶研究
    Research on the Gray Zone in the South China Sea ispute
    Authors: 何政翰
    Contributors: 李世暉
    Keywords: 南海
    Gray Zone
    South China Sea
    Reef-filling Islands
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:19:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 南海區域長期以來存在很多領土爭議,中共建政後以歷史繼承方式宣稱擁有南海所有主權,持續不斷運用各種方法與手段在該區域擴張影響力,自2012年開始積極直接在南海爭議島礁上大興土木工程,完全沒有停止跡象,北京政府過去十年以來有計畫性挑選南海各處島礁實施各項建設,成立行政省區,為增加人造陸域面積,執行各種填海造陸方式,其建造速度快面積大,且為多形式多種類軍民事基礎設施,擴大部屬前進軍事基地,打造南海大戰略,以至於觸發區域內外國際各國敏感神經防線,區域內各聲索國提出強烈反對及海上衝突對峙,而區域外大國則以航行自由介入爭端,使其區域更加複雜化,近年來頻繁運用「灰色地帶」模式蠶食吞鯨,以新常態逐步推進,促使國際社會無法立即反制,本研究主要是能更加了解現今南海爭端下的新態樣。
    There have been many territorial disputes in the South China Sea for a long time. After the establishment of the Chinese mainland, it claimed all sovereignty in the South China Sea by way of historical succession. It has continuously used various methods and means to expand its influence in the region. Since 2012, it has been actively and directly on the disputed islands and reefs in the South China Sea. There is no sign of stopping the large-scale civil engineering project. Over the past ten years, the Beijing government has planned to select islands and reefs in the South China Sea to implement various constructions and establish administrative provinces. In order to increase the area of man-made land, various methods of reclamation and land reclamation have been implemented. The speed is large and the area is large, and it is a multi-form and various military civilian infrastructure. The expansion of the military bases and the creation of the South China Sea strategy have triggered the sensitive nerve defense lines of the international countries in and outside the region. The claiming countries in the region have put forward strong opposition and maritime conflicts. Confrontation, while major powers outside the region intervene in disputes with freedom of navigation, making the region more complicated. In recent years, the “gray zone” model has been frequently used to cannibalize whales and gradually advance with the new normal, which has prevented the international community from being able to immediately counteract it. This research mainly It is to better understand the new situation under the current South China Sea disputes.
    Reference: 一、中文部分:
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    "Robert D. Kaplan著、林添貴 譯",2016年『南中國海』,〈臺北:麥田出版〉。
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108981012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100792
    Appears in Collections:[國家安全與大陸研究碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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