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    Title: 父母如何引導孩子解題?當數學題目中有男、女主角
    How do parents guide their children to solve problems?When there are male and female agents in mathematical problems
    Authors: 蔡亞靜
    Tsai, Ya-Jing
    Contributors: 邱美秀
    Chiu, Mei-Shiu
    Tsai, Ya-Jing
    Keywords: 數學問題情境
    mathematical problem
    self-regulation intervention
    Parent-child interaction
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 16:16:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的在瞭解父母如何引導幼兒,解決有男、女主角的數學題目。以14對學齡前幼兒與父母為研究對象,研究方法採質量並重的研究取向,蒐集資料方式包括:第一次觀察父母如何引導幼兒解題、父母對自我調節訪談問卷問題的回應、第二次觀察父母如何引導幼兒解題、父母的反思回饋、研究者觀察記錄等。研究發現父母有三種類型的引導方式,分別是:(一)在引導的內容上,兼顧數學與題目中有男女主角,且前後二次引導方式均不變型;(二)始終只考慮數學,且前後不變型;(三)在引導的內容與前後均變動型。研究結果可以作為未來父母親引導幼兒解題時的參考依據。
    The purpose of this research is to understand how parents guide their children to solve mathematical problems when there are male and female agents. Taking 14 pairs of preschool children and their parents as the research participants, the research method adopts the study orientation of equal emphasis on both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collection included first observation of how parents guided their children to solve problems, parents’ responses to the self-regulation interview questions, second observation of how parents guided their children to solve problems, parents’ reflective feedback, and the researcher`s observation notes. This study found that parents had three types of guidance, (1) considering both mathematics and problem agents in both the observations, (2) considering only mathematics in both the observations, and (3) considering either mathematics or problem agents in either observation. The research results can be used as a reference for future parents to guide their children to solve problems.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105157008
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100960
    Appears in Collections:[幼兒教育研究所] 學位論文

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