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    Title: 晚期現代的自我悲劇: 從自助與治療書籍來看
    The Tragedy of the Late-modern Self: A Case Study of Self-help and Therapeutic Books
    Authors: 王傳翔
    Wang, Chuan-Hsiang
    Contributors: 高國魁
    Kao, Kuo-Kuei
    Wang, Chuan-Hsiang
    Keywords: 現代性
    Self-help book
    Technologies of self
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 15:56:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 晚期現代是一個自由而富於想像的社會,個體擁有極大的能動性來實現自我。但同時這也是一個不安、看不見終點而憂鬱瀰漫的社會。本研究想要看見在晚期現代性中「自我」具有什麼樣的特徵,或者說社會形塑了怎麼樣的「自我」;進言之,如此的自我是如何體現著現代性中光明面與陰暗面的拉扯。因此,本研究將藉由經驗與理論的爬梳和對照,在自助與治療書籍的經驗資料中,具體描繪出晚期現代性的自我所背負的命令,並輔以理論來進行分析、詮釋與批判。

    具體言之,本研究將著重在以下幾個重要概念的問題討論:反身性(reflexivity)與本真性(authenticity)是如何形塑當代自我。反身性是否有其情緒的面向,以及是否存在著它的極限。進一步來看,本真性是如何相異於對反身性的追求;過度強調本真性又會對自我造成什麼影響。這兩道抽象的命令是如何座落在人們的日常語彙之中。而對於憂鬱、焦慮等負面情緒,自助書籍是如何進行處理?在其中是否能讓我們更清楚看見現代性光明與陰暗的扣連機制。到最後階段,我們將會透過Foucault 晚期所談論的「自我技術」(technologies de soi)來與自助書籍進行理論對照,找出後者可能忽略的主體化面向,並進一步指出自我技術如何可能跳脫出晚期現代性的困境。
    Late modernity leads to a free and imaginative society where individuals possess great agency to realize themselves. At the same time, it also refers to a society of uneasiness, uncertainty and depression with no end in sight. This study aims to present a profile of the late-modern self shaped by contemporary societies. Furthermore, it seeks to grasp the ways in which such a self plays out the lights and shades of modernity.

    On the one hand, we will describe and analyze the core commands of late-modern society imposed on the self based on an empirical study of self-help and therapy books. On the other hand, we will interpret and criticize some popular discourses of the self from the vantage point of theoretical reviews.

    More specifically, this study plans to focus on answering key conceptual questions below. Firstly, how do the values of reflexivity and authenticity shape the late-modern self? Whether or not reflexivity has an emotional aspect and a limit point? Secondly, how does the stress on authenticity differ from the quest for reflexivity, and what are the impacts of overemphasizing authenticity on the self? In general, we will evaluate the significance of these two abstract commands in the shaping of people`s everyday language.

    Moreover, how does a specific type of self-help books deal with negative emotions such as depression and anxiety? Do they offer us a clearer picture as to the mechanisms of connecting the bright to the dark sides of modernity? Besides, we will also introduce the idea of "technologies of the self" coined by Foucault to critically examine self-help books, especially in regard to subjectivization. In the final analysis, we will assess the prospect of techniques of the self insofar as they might help us escape the common dilemmas of late-modernity.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107254002
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100818
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